I dont have anything relevant to post but I wanna update my - TopicsExpress


I dont have anything relevant to post but I wanna update my status. I wanna communicate with you guys. Ive been wanting to go to the Tijuana border and buy churros because theyre so good. A spherical house should be a thing. When I was shampooing my hair the other morning I got water in my face which made it hard to breathe then I had a thought, How does Krillin breathe when he appears to have no nose and his mouth is closed? Then I laughed to myself because I made a rhyme and an even more profound thought came, If he has no nose, can he swim underwater? ! Remember when he and Android 18 first saw each other? So cute. Then I proceeded to think about how mean Ive been to some people for no reason. Especially someone who had my best interest at heart and I was a total meanie.(Trying to curse less this year for self improvement.) All my life Ive been told Im different. That Im not like most people. I know that and sometimes I wish I wasnt. Now I miss my old friend Harvey. Old in age but not in spirit. We would sit in his porch and talk about everything and nothing. He gave me great advice and always encouraged me to stay strong. He passed away a few months ago. What hurts me most is I dont know where hes buried. Harvey reminded me of my grandma. She was a fighter too. She was on of the strongest people I knew in every way possible. This got really sad so Im gonna change the subject. Theres so many things I want to do. Like Orihime said, I want to be a teacher…I also want to be an astronaut…and also make my own cake shop…I want to go to the sweets bakery and say I want one of everything, ohhhh I wish I could live life five times over…Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world…I’d live five different lives with five different occupations…and then, for those five times…I’d fall in love with the same person…” I dont know about falling in love with the same person because I have never been in love but I would most definitely love to have the friends I do now in every lifetime. I like to think I have the greatest friends ever. Anyway, Id like to fall in love with the same intensity as Orihime or Hinata. It must be beautiful to love like that. Im in no rush though. I want to be the person that God put me on this Earth to be. I respect people who dont believe in God and I ask you to do the same for me. I agree to disagree. I want to strengthen my relationship with God because I know it will help me personally. I want to reread the entire Bible because its a darn good book. I was watching Hey Arnold today and the nostalgic feels came flooding. I remember watching that show in Mexico in Spanish as a kid. I was born there if you didnt know. I wanna go back. Not just for churros and burritos but for fun. Im curious to see where my family came from. My dad convinced himself hes Mexican but hes from El Salvador. He can be dumb sometimes like when he brought home a bald eagle in a brown paper bag. Mom was so mad at him. Thankfully, he let it go but it would have been smarter to turn it in to the cops or something, I think as the bird had a broken wing. Its nearly one in the morning and Im craving Hot Pockets. Soooooo good mate. But Im on a diet so I cant really have them. Top Ramen is so good too. And I cant have that either. I curled my hurr today or yesterday and I touched the iron without thinking and I burnt my thumb. It doesnt hurt so much anymore. I was cold and I put on my sweater and now Im toasty. Ohh yeahh. Nintendo should release a Jiggly Puff amiibo. Because itd be cute and for no other reason. I think Im about done with this. Actually, no. If youve made it this far, please do me this favor: Describe me in one word. Im curious, hungry and not sleepy at all. Smile at a stranger and be kind to someone. It feels good. I wanna befriend another old person. Theyre so fun to talk to. Honestly, Im afraid to go to sleep becasue Ive have a horrible nightmare. But I prayed about it so Ill be okay. I love milk so much. Its just so tasty and so many good things come from it . I googled the nastiest thing today. Tryphophobia. I think thats how its spelled. Its so gross I wanted to vomit and scary and just unpleasant. DONT do it. Srsly. I considered being a nun but nah. Im gonna go watch some more Hey Arnold. Hope your days are filled with blessings and if youre mean or just being a jerk for no reason, I hope you step on multiple Legos. Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:23:29 +0000

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