*** I dont know about you but I want to dethrone my inner Pharaoh! - TopicsExpress


*** I dont know about you but I want to dethrone my inner Pharaoh! How? Personal prayer....every....day. Repenting. Giving Charity. These are my notes from this wonderful, wonderful teaching (link below) entitled Confronting Your Inner Pharaoh : *** when HaShem says come to pharaoh to us, what does that mean to us? finally confront the negative character traits of our lives... the little king sitting on the throne who says nobodys else knows this but I am in charge of me....nobodys going to tell me how to live my life... Or when we hear something from the Torah which really challenges us and we say, Oh that was for somebody else... all the while knowing Hashem wanted to dethrone you.... ...to confronting the power inside of us (yatzer hara- evil inclination) when we are still in some level of captivity. Captivity to our Anger, our Lashan HaRa- evil speech), negative thinking, injustice, how we judge others...those are things that nobody else can see. HaShem knows the Pharaoh in us. He wants to reveal His power to the inner self. He wants to reveal His power to you. The question is how do you accomplish that? How do you access Pharaoh inside? Most important (Rabbi Nachman) Personal prayer: setting aside time in the day...talking, listening to the voice of HaShem analizing yourself before Him. Personal Prayer is Easy to plan for and hard to execute. We are always fighting against inner Pharaoh. Inner Pharaoh is fighting against the will of HaShem. Being honest with HaShem, coming off your throne and bowing down to HaShem...approaching it with boldness! Because HE trusts you to DO IT...He called you to Torah, He gave you Faith, He calls you to Pharaoh you should be the one kicking the inner door down...to declare I need to come down off my inner throne! ...feel the shackles fall off, the power of personal prayer. Liberation of the soul. Telling Him things we can not tell each other. Pouring it all out to Him. IF you keep struggling with the same thing over and over, bring it to HaShem, confess it and make known You are the only one Who can remove this from me... and Im going to do my part, every day doing teshuvah (repenting) on this issue... Maybe you dont feel like praying... Im not in the mood- powerful thing to ask Change my heart Get into a habit of fixing a time for personal prayer. Even if you feel totally remote from His service. Even if you find yourself unable to even mouth the words, the fact that you are before Him is good in and of itself. Be silent then and listen...contemplate... Everyone from the least to the greatest can do this...theres no excuse not to. All it takes is giving some time. Pharaoh is not a benevolent King, giving to the poor or a ministry...you are releasing of your authority over your property. Light up those secret places I dont know about! Come to Pharaoh. Its so easy to get into a habit of not APPROACHING HaShem... One can easily say, Its all okay, understands me, and I can just say Im sorry. But that is NOT what dethrones Pharaoh. What takes Pharaoh off the throne of your life is approaching HaShem in contrition and brokenness and asking Him to change the way I am! Tell God everything and ask Him for everything you need. There can not be two Kings in this relationship. Bo God says, come to Pharaoh... ****This is an area I have really been lacking in these days and theres been a longing inside me to get back on track with my prayers yet as the Rabbi said, its so easy to fall into the habit of not approaching him, this is what inner Pharaoh wants and I pray God will enable me to confront this issue and take it to Him, hope this blessed someone! Shabbat Shalom! *** https://youtube/watch?v=DpN-psTHhso
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:41:48 +0000

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