I dont know how many people were up late enough last night to - TopicsExpress


I dont know how many people were up late enough last night to watch fox 13 news only to hear John Wilson express their outrage of the week segment. Their outrage was in regards to the Mike Brown case and how Black people are making a big deal out of a White man killing an unarmed Black male. He goes on to say here are the statistics. Black ppl make 12% of the population and are 50% of all homicide victims in this country every year. He said and out of all of the Black homicides 93% are done by other Black people and then shows clips of black community leaders in St. Pete vowing to address the issue off black on black crime to back up their point of view....insinuating that the real problem is black on black crime minimizing what took place in Ferguson. First of all 93% of all black homicides better be done by other blacks cause if they were done by whites then we would have an even bigger problem. We might as well go back to Jim Crow and the days of segregation & Willie Lynch if it were the other way around. Most white homicide victims are killed by other white people and if they were done by blacks then again we would have a bigger racial problem than we think but nobody ever brings up white on white crime when a white person is killed. What fox news is not reporting is that It was not so much a matter of a White man killing a black man but more police brutality on an unarmed man that so happened to be black and the officer details of the case not being dealt with in a satisfactory manner more than likely because he was white... and the frequency of police brutality in that area. Yes blacks commit more crimes against other blacks but then they are dealt with by the law very quickly and harshly for those crimes... but its rarely that way when whites commit the same types of crimes against blacks...they always somehow take a little more time to iron out the kinks. It is the historic way of doing things in this country though so why would this be any different. So Im pretty outraged that a national news station would try to deflect the blame onto the victim and his community because they feel -you kill more of yourselves then we do so get over it! This was just on my mind and kinda bugging me.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:49:59 +0000

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