I dont know if anyone around here is familiar with the new website - TopicsExpress


I dont know if anyone around here is familiar with the new website Patreon. The short version is that its kind of like Kickstarter, but for artists. Its also made for long term repeat donations, rather than one big project that youre trying to assemble cash for. Its very much a patron of the arts website, connecting artists with the people who wish to support their work on a long term basis. And thats what leads to my question. Ive seen someone refer to Patreon as a recurring tip jar. I can certainly see their viewpoint, but Patreon has struck me as something more than that. Id personally loathe asking for donations/charity for my work, but Patreons subscription model doesnt trigger that reaction in me. I think the problem is that a lot of people view artists as creators whod create regardless of whether they were getting paid. A musician will create music even if no one hears, and artists will draw even if no one sees. In a way, it devalues our work. Sure, we create for the joy of creating, but these are also skills we spend time developing, honing, polishing; often sacrificing recreational time to refine our artistic skills. This is why I can get behind a website like Patreon. Its not charity or donations (to me at least). Its a business. I have issues with the people trying to get money for work they havent produced yet- the promise of future creations. But for those who are creating product, who are delivering entertainment- these people deserve this opportunity to connect with an audience who will support their endeavors. Anyways, tl;dr- a lot of my friends here are writers, poets, artists, creators of one strain or another. What are your thoughts on Patreon?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:13:00 +0000

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