I dont know if youve noticed how the entire UK media is working to - TopicsExpress


I dont know if youve noticed how the entire UK media is working to get Cameron re-elected. Well if you havent, you should have because this is exactly whats occurring! We have no democracy; our elections are worthless! Cameron is way behind in the polls but the last couple of days the UK media have been saying the election is too close to call. THIS IS TOTAL, UTTER CRAP!.....But over 2 years ago I predicted the Zionists wanted Cameron back - therefore the media, which is controlled from top to bottom by Zionists, would never criticize him; theyd lie about the economy; they would make Miliband look bad & that, lets face it, is not difficult & now were into the next stage which I predicted would happen about 9 months ago - they first make people think the election is going to be very close. Well let me tell you now - put all your money on Cameron being the next PM. It was decided long ago. If they have to, they will cheat just as they did in the Scottish vote for independence. Scotland should be independent now. Thats what the people wanted but it doesnt work like that! The Zionists HAVE TO HAVE THEIR WAY! They want Cameron back because he doesnt just work for them - HES THE PERFECT PUPPET! Im not joking when I say Cameron is more a member of the Knesset than a member of Parliament! Get this into your head. If theyd have played it fair in the Scottish vote, it would have made Cameron look way too bad. Even they would have found it too big an ask to re-elect Cameron. But everything IS RIGGED - our elections, the media, even FB! FB too? Yes, because when it came to censoring my posts, anything involving Cameron was positively slaughtered. I could criticize Israel more than him! I cant reiterate more - the protection Cameron is receiving is unprecedented! I know most people will think Im exaggerating. Thats the problem! Im not. Ive no reason to. Im just telling you whats going on & what will happen. I want to leave England because of Cameron. Here is an article I wrote over a year ago - .................. A while back I made a somewhat bold prediction - it didnt matter what Ed Milliband did or said! The true power-brokers had already decided Cameron was the man for them! Hed done all that was asked! Milliband perhaps hadnt shone when he was summoned to a committee of lovers of Israel! Quite what a potential leader of our country was doing being summoned to answer to a bunch of Zionists Ill never know! For me now, it was clear - those in control wanted Cameron back as PM, no matter what! I stand by this for from the very beginning I knew Cameron was a Zionist plant! Why else did this nobody have the nerve to even enter the Tory leadership contest? David Davies was the Even money favorite; Cameron was the rank outsider of 4! All of a sudden the media sprang into action! Barons en masse instructed their editors to tell the UK public how great Cameron was! I thought HOW DO THEY KNOW HES ANY GOOD? Hes never held office; hes never been a minister! How come out of the blue, all the newspapers were throwing their weight behind this nobody? Reason? Cameron guaranteed the Zionists EVERYTHING! Small wonder the media backed him - the newspapers are owned by them! End result - no bankers prosecuted; austerity measures - IN; Israel? Never to be criticized! What Phosphorous, white & bombs? Foreign policy? No problemo - continued UK participation in pipeline construction in Afghanistan, the destruction of Libya & Syria; sanctions on Iran? Please! Just ask Netanyahu - youll get! Dont believe me? Big mistake! What do you think this guy Adam Werritty was doing sticking to Liam Fox, UKs Defense Secretary, Camerons buddy like super-glue? When it became obvious he was all but married to Fox, people began asking questions like WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY? Guess what? Werritty had ties with Mr MOSSAD! Well! How about that? Moreover, add another 5 Israeli arms manufacturers to the equation & hey presto - our government was severely compromised by Israeli spies! Fox resigned; Werritty went on the missing list! .........AND THAT WAS IT! NO INQUIRY, NO NOTHING! Why didnt the media go to town? This was a scandal that made the Profumo case look like a walk in the park! How many more times do I have to say who the media is owned by? Naturally the Zionists killed the story quicker than a rat out of an aqua-duct! After all, slipping under the radar, among other things, is more than a major concern - ITS POLICY! Oh but it gets worse! Thanks largely to Edward Snowden it became evident Cameron had actually committed treason! Hed secretively accepted payment of £100 million from the heinous Zionists spying machine, the NSA, so that MI5 would release all E-mails, phone calls etc of each & every UK citizen to them. How nice to have such a thoughtful PM? These details ultimately ended up in the hands of Mossad, an organization of hit-men who think nothing, in fact no - they believe its their duty to iron out anyone who so much as says hold the goddamn phone! Needless to say the media made nothing of this outrage, just as the media have allowed the Tories to bury a Pedophile scandal so massive it encompasses Parliament & even Royalty itself! Revolting as it is to every decent human being, Pedophiles are simply being allowed to escape justice thanks to Cameron! But Cameron was soon to be given the snub of the century. While he trumpeted lies about Syria (you know, similar to those Zionist lies that led to the illegal war in Iraq), just so the West could destroy another country Israel didnt like, only for his call for war to result in a humiliating defeat in parliament! On such a grave matter of war, the sitting PM of the UK was told to take a running jump BY THE PEOPLE! In British Constitutional history, such a snub has rarely occurred. It would have been fitting for Cameron to resign yet surprise surprise - not one journalist, not one reporter bothered, dared to ask Cameron a question they normally bleat for fun - Er excuse me Mr. PM! Er, isnt your position now untenable? NOT ONCE WAS THIS QUESTION ASKED! Wonder why? Dont think too hard, please! Getting away with all this skulduggery, small wonder Cameron & his Eton buddy George Osborne thought nothing of putting the finishing touches to plans that would make them & their buddies chunks of ever readies! I mean its safe to say Camerons tenure as PM had been nothing short of a joke, an unmitigating disaster, yet here they were, ready to pull a stroke that would ultimately cost the British public a small matter of £1.3 BILLION! Osborne put Royal Mail up for sale. Thing is, he deliberately under-priced shares so that investors would make a bundle overnight! Average Joe Blow-bags like me, could only buy £10,000 worth. Problem is I, like most other punters, havent got so much as a bar of soap to invest! The rich though had no limit! They could buy as much as they wanted. Nice! Isnt it great when such lovely level playing fields abound? Cut a long story short - Osbornes best man bought £50 millions worth! Overnight those shares were suddenly worth £63 big ones! Hard work they say does the trick every time! Finally, today we saw massive fraudster George Osborne declare how the UK was on track to rid itself of debt by 2018! To this I say WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS! If you want to listen to that lying piece of shit, fine! If you want to hear the truth, here it is - the UK is not earning enough to pay the interest on what we owe! Ill say the obvious, again - theyre lying & they will keep lying! The fact is, UK debt under the Tories has almost doubled so forget this rubbish how the Tories are the ones who always get us out the khazi! This may have been the case in the past but now, political ideology is all but a myth - most politicians work for the same bankster crooks! Were in the shit & in order to continue the coup, Cameron is being protected by the contemptuous media, who are feeding us a load of tripe! If you want the real news, tune in to the GMM!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:11:47 +0000

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