I dont know why I woke up thinking about this today. Richard - TopicsExpress


I dont know why I woke up thinking about this today. Richard Dawkins is one of the worlds top evolutionary micro biologists, a staunch athiest and anti creation, anti christian proponent. But when cornered by Ben Stein about the origins of the information needed to create life on earth he chooses...........aliens. :-) Hes not alone, his colleagues are also recorded espousing the theory of aliens seeding the complex information needed to create the life we see. And people say Christians are unscientific and have blind faith? The idea that all of life was seeded by aliens (where did they come ?) Then somehow all the incredible diversity of life in the world came from one single cell. Hmm. The creation account makes much more sense. Hes the creator, life giver, and as the Bible records and empirical science proves there was never one cell that all life evolved from. There were multiple, diverse, unique types of life created and all that we see developed within their kind (genetic mutation, micro evolution) to create the masive amounts of diverse life we see. And by the way. Humans arent just another animal. We are specially made, different from all other life, in the image and likeness of our creator. We uniquely have the ability for a relationship with our creator. No other life on earth has the desire to worship or the mind, will and emotions that we do. Thats unique. :-) Genesis 1:25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:45:40 +0000

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