I dont like labels, especially when it comes to political beliefs, - TopicsExpress


I dont like labels, especially when it comes to political beliefs, and it is for that reason that Im sick and tired of being called ignorant by people whose opinion differs from mine. Im not usually one to post my views of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict on Facebook. I know all too well that a shared internet article or long and winded status filled with numbers and statistics does little to change the minds of the people reading it. And I also happen to know that there are people who show no regard for alternative opinions, claiming they are ignorant and biased, or a result of brainwashing carried out by schools and youth movements. It doesnt occur to them that perhaps we have formed this opinion for ourselves, based on our own knowledge and views. Its not a matter of what you call yourself- Liberal, Left Wing, Right Wing, Humanitarian, Zionist, Jewish, Pro this or Anti that. Labels are insignificant. Its about the fact that, despite what you may think, you are not necessarily any smarter, more open minded or more well-read than anyone who sees things from a different perspective. And just because your opinion may be that of a majority, it does not make it the ONLY valid one. Get off your high horses and learn to respect the opinions of others in the same way you claim to respect human rights and a free and fair democracy. To all of you with your passionate campaigns, your widespread university rallies and your open letters to the supposed perpetrators of human rights violations, climb down from your ivory towers and maybe actually come pay a visit to Israel. I have no doubt that what you see with your own eyes is more trustworthy than what you see through any television or cellphone screen. Having lived here for the past 8 months, Id be happy to show you around.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:15:31 +0000

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