I dont like to comment on political or societal issues on social - TopicsExpress


I dont like to comment on political or societal issues on social media too often. It isnt always a healthy forum. But after reading more and more opinions stating that race isnt a factor in the measure of force issued during policing or the general disposition of some toward others, I feel obliged to chime in. My guess is that those same people havent been pulled over in rural Indiana and accused of trying to run from the officer before pulling over. Maybe they havent had trash thrown at them in Clearwater, Florida by a group of white people telling the niggers to go home. Perhaps they havent been denied going into a bar on Halloween because they were wearing cargo pants (with a belt) that could conceal a weapon...right after a white man dressed as a blueberry wasnt given a second glance. It could be that they havent had any friends that, in jealousy, tell them they only received a merit based scholarship because the committee felt sorry for them being black. I dont think they have walked into a CVS in San Francisco and, after saying excuse me while passing an older white business man, been called a dumb nigger. They may not have been interrogated in Ohio by a police officer who refused to believe they were just coming back from visiting a friend in Pennsylvania. Then followed for 3 miles to the gas station where the officer got out of their car and watched every step of purchasing and pumping gas. I assume they havent been told by an older white woman after a graduation speech that she didnt think you people were so articulate. Or just maybe they havent seen the look of surprise when they walk into a room for a business meeting or interview when the talent on paper turned out to be a black and Puerto Rican minority. These arent excuses. I love beating the odds. Im not taking sides. Both sides should be ashamed and broken. But we arent yet 60 years removed from segregated buses and legal white privilege. My mom taught me as a child that I would have to work twice as hard and be twice as good as the next man, often with less than half of the resources. We forgive people for commonalities like being hangry - cranky because of hunger - but dont offer much grace for a people group that are socioeconomically depressed daily. I dont condone rioting. I dont condone murder, by police or by brothers. But unless we receive contrite hearts and identity as sons of God, showing mercy as we have received it, our propensity for maligned character is all we can expect.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:19:00 +0000

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