I dont normally do the obligatory reflective end of the year post - TopicsExpress


I dont normally do the obligatory reflective end of the year post but heres my go of it anyway.. I spent years on the verge of new years eve, feeling filled with relief that the joke of a year I had endured had finally come to an end. Hoping the new year would be filled with some sort of relief or improvement. Only to find myself in the same position the following year. For the first time, I dont feel that way. I have been in the depths of despair and suffered things no human (male or female) should (but still do) I didnt think I would ever get over these, stuck in a constant self motivated downward spiral. But over time, maintaining a glimmer of hope/some form of positivity and deep reserved optimism. - and a shitload of persistence, patience and self motivation (and with a little help from my friends ;) Ive somehow emerged out of a haze I never thought I would get of. And this babble isnt intended to be a gloating post, I know SO many of my friends probably feel exactly as I did at this time and for some reason new years brings out that familiar feeling of for lack of a better word.. shite. But there ARE greener pastures. I dont look at my deep wounds and scars with resentment or contempt anymore. Ive come out far stronger, hopefully equipped, able to cope with whatever the universe wants to throw at me. For friends and people I encounter along the way, I have that understanding of similar issues and occurrences to be able to hopefully apply my experience and help. So if you are feeling that familiar That was horrid, Im glad that was over, I know first hand, that whatever you are feeling, no matter how extreme, you can get over it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You dont have to settle for anything less than you deserve, and if you are suffering or even if there are small components of your life you struggle with - you dont have to. You really can change them (If you can be bothered) And there is always someone willing to listen and help you out even if it doesnt feel like it. (I will if no one else will) (and if not you can pay someone! haha) go into the new year with optimism and the knowledge that sure next year will be better and if not, It eventually will. Keep hacking at it :) (This came out so much better in my head, Im not the most articulate person, I hope this didnt sound too much like a verbalised motivation poster and hopefully you get my drift, maybe this spoke to at least someone in the way I intended) Happy new years everyone! xx
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:41:56 +0000

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