I dont normally post my experiences or exchanges with people but - TopicsExpress


I dont normally post my experiences or exchanges with people but this one is worth mentioning. So I just got home from a long ride from work and quite the interesting conversation with the cabbie. The exchange all started when I gave him a satchet of Vietnamese coffee for him to try later if he got tired(learning from my experience with a driver the day before who was falling asleep while we were on the highway!). We covered so many topics--from religion, to politics, to relationships, to the education system here, to the state of our government and our countrys infrastructures, to moral values and whatnot. He asked about my family as I did with his. He was happily chatting away and so was I and we were caught up in this discussion of sorts. I kept thinking all throughout--this person is genuinely interesting and interested. I was touched by his candor, wisdom, and genuine interest in the things we talked about. He had his fair share of misfortunes and disappointments, as well as hopes and dreams. I could not help but do him one small favor of giving him extra fare; he was grateful. It was a pleasure meeting you, Franco. I am touched by your spirit and outlook on life; makes me believe in humanity just a little bit more. Till next time.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:28:40 +0000

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