I dont normally watch a lot of TV but when I got home from work, I - TopicsExpress


I dont normally watch a lot of TV but when I got home from work, I stretched out in the recliner and turned it on. What was on? It was an episode on MTV called True Life: Im having twins. It brought me back to December 26, 2012 when I was admitted to the Labor and Delivery Unit to monitor my blood pressure because it was high and wasnt going down. The next morning, I was given two options: Be induced or have a C-section in 8 hours. I chose to have a cesarean because I was at risk for a stroke and did not want to put Ayden at any more risk because I was 33 weeks and 4 days and we were so scared. Papa Bear was right by my side the entire time, PopPop and Nana were there, and Leelee and my brother were on there way from Mississippi. Every parent dreams of hearing their child for the first time and getting to take that first picture with them when they arrive right after delivery. I didnt get to see him. I didnt hear him. Papa Bear saw him blue, not breathing, and saw the Respiratory Therapist stick the breathing tube down his throat and taken straight to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU). I was recovering from surgery and did everything in my power to get wheeled down to NICU to see him. It was a little over 24 hours that I finally got to lay eyes on him. He was beautiful. But we knew after about 3 days that we were in for a journey. But yet a journey that taught us so much about life: never give up, stay strong, and leave it in Gods hands. It took us 4 long months to get a diagnosis but we prayed for answers and we got our answer. It was definitely not what we wanted to hear, but because of a diagnosis, we were able to move forward and do what was best to implement his care so we could get him stronger. And boy, was he a fighter! He never gave up! And because he didnt, we didnt either. We know Clear Lake Regional Medical Center like the back of our hands: from 95 straight days in NICU to frequent visits to PICU. We thank all the nurses and doctors that took part in Aydens care. As most of you know, we spent 10 days in PICU, two days prior to Aydens passing and took a ceiling tile home. Well, today we took it up there to continue Aydens memory. From left to right we have: Jaycee, Courtney, me, Papa Bear, Stacy, and Dr. Albitar. These are just a few that took care of Ayden. The tile is up and Baby Bear is flying high. Michelle, thanks again for doing the tile for us and for ACE! And to all of our Prayer Warriors, THANK YOU!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 04:59:05 +0000

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