I dont only speak about the atrocities in Palestine, but also - TopicsExpress


I dont only speak about the atrocities in Palestine, but also about oppression in general. If we go on pretending that racism against blacks in America vanished with the end of slavery or the outlawing of Jim Crow laws, then we are complicit in the ongoing brutality and degradation of our black friends. If we are to remain silent, rather than exposing the truth, a solution and an end to injustice will be impossible. Do not forget the names of innocent black men, shot multiple times by police officers and others practicing their white privilege. Do you remember? Sean Bell shot 50 times in 2006 in New York by NYPD. Officers found NOT guilty. Travyon Martin shot in the chest by neighborhood watch, Zimmerman, found not guilty (2012, Florida). Mike Brown, 18, from Missouri, shot multiple times and murdered by police (2014). Jordan Davis (2012, Florida), 17 years old, shot and murdered because he didnt want to turn down his music. And there are many others, because the prejudice is so real. To hate and to murder a human being merely because their color does not sit well with you is the height of barbarism, and allowing it to go on without punishment points to our lack of humanity and oppressive tendencies.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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