I dont publish much of Glenn Becks stuff because I dont always - TopicsExpress


I dont publish much of Glenn Becks stuff because I dont always agree with his positions, that said, I agree with his verbal fight but like with the Bundy Ranch, he has shown too often; he is all mouth and no clout. Sorry, saying it as I see it. If you talk the talk but don’t walk the walk, I will call you on it. What gives me the right? My history in this fight both on the keyboard, behind the camera and very active and physically at or involved in what is transpiring. I haven’t seen much Beck anywhere but that is not to put him down but it causes me not to be a fan. This is an older piece though from Oct. 2013 (How much time, money and energy is being wasted on this?) that got all the facts straight and told the story as it should be told. Now granted, Im only a half-breed some would say, so I have no say in this. That is fine, Im used to discrimination from both sides of the racial divide and instead of whining about it and playing victim, I fought it and either proved what I was made of and changed the minds of the haters or kicked their butts. (I even got my butt kicked but I won respect that way too.) It was never what I was called that made me angry, rather it was what people thought of me based in ignorance they held, that I was somehow beneath them. In my perspective and based on history, I am unlike anyone else on the planet, so any name you might assign to me is not factual unless you have the history of my days to examine. Essentially only my Creator and me; in my free will, have any power as to what I am and will be. Your words, names, jabs and insults have no power to intrude upon this personal covenant between my Creator, Creation and I; nor do your opinions. I do not allow you that power over me nor will I. Ignorance about a subject (in this case me) negates any validity in your statement; this is a fact of life. The idea behind Critical Theory is to find a flaw and exploit it, exacerbate it as a weakness, all in the hopes of discrediting the opposition. This is a popular tactic amongst the less educated or ignorant and it has become a Progressive, mainstay attack. All they are required to do is prove their opponent wrong within the context of their opinion. So for all you folks debating such people, you are always going to feel like you have lost and very well may look like it to an audience if you dont understand the tactic being used against you. The chief flaw in Critical Theory has always been it is promoted as a short cut to being an apt Critical Thinker when the reality, it is the antithesis of it. Critical Theory assumes it understands where your statement comes from immediately. Ever note those using the tactic never ask questions and if they do, the questions asked are only traps, not queries into your personal position or ideology. Even if you give excellent responses to the trap questions, then those answers will be ignored and they will add more talking points to the fire rather than remain on the issue. My advise; dont waste your breath. Their very lack of understanding what you mean, lack of interest in understanding your position and failure to delve into the origin of the statement; defines a moron’s, pseudo scientific method. While indeed consensus can be used to develop theory it fails to produce facts, ever. So any criticism they think is valid, is factually negated each and every time, simply because it is based in their ignorance about you. You can say anything you want but without investigating who you criticize, you’re just an opinion. Opinions are like rectums; everyone has one and they all stink. Criticism is a hard thing to swallow however there are two kinds: One is like I just discussed and it is based on ‘trollish’ behavior of a sophomoric psyche, desperate to affirm themselves as either relevant or worse superior to any other. That is why terms like: Troll, Grammar Nazi, Flamer, Cat Fish and others exist. These are people for one reason or another are so completely devoid of any social skills, manners, courtesy and (When it comes to the paid Progressive Shills) ethics, no sane person would have anything to do with them. Not in public in the real time world, at least. All one has to do is consider the reaction one of these individuals would get if they were to make their inline comments in a nice restaurant; in school; in an Art Museum? We all know they would get their butts kicked if they made them in a bar. However cheering on the Skins at a bar is quite acceptable and even encouraged, not just by Red Skin fans but by me as well; a ‘half breed’. Then there is constructive criticism: This form is a positive effort and it is supported in investigation, discussion and curiosity. You will know a Critical Thinker not by the statements they make about your thesis but rather by the questions they ask about it. These are the minds you should head, as they are not trying top one up you but rather are giving you a leg up. They are kindred souls like you trying to process the insanity and verifying that you are not one of the insane. I don’t know how many times I will read a criticism of something I write, based solely in the first sentence of my piece or worse criticism based on the title. Be warned, such stupidity will no longer be tolerated; even if you are a Conservative, if you can’t be bothered to spend 10 minutes to read what I say and yet comment about it; you will be scathingly rebuffed, sooner or later. Okay 20 minutes but perhaps you learn something or at least get a laugh before it’s done, that has to be worth some if your time? If you don’t like my stuff, don’t read it, if you don’t actually read my stuff, STFU! If you don’t understand my stuff, feel free to ask. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people that don’t ask questions and assume they get it. So is the name Washington Red Skins, in anyway offensive? The only thing offensive to me about the name is the Washington in front of the “Red Skins”. Nothing against the General, President or even the state, rather the District of Colombia solely, it really is an insult to anyone to be associated with DC, these days. This is where this rambling point comes to its conclusion; this same trolls we deal with on the internet every day, are the same type of people pushing for this name change. They are oblivious to the fact that less than 10% of the First Nations population globally even gives a damn. Worse those people pushing for this in bulk, dont even care enough to discover this fact, instead they only care about discrediting the opposition. Oops, I used ‘those people’ to generalize a group, however as morons have yet managed to form a Stupidity Defense League, I should be safe making such a generalization; for now anyhow. Rather than fighting for First Nation rights as they claim, they are exploiting a group of people, once again, to promote their agenda. I think all the money spent on this Red Skin, rebranding campaign would better serve the First Nations by perhaps being sent to the Lakota Nations, so they might feed their Tribal Members in the winter. They have had terrible starvation issues up there for the last decade of Snow Moons but I doubt any of the sanctimonious, rebranders are even aware of that. You see being aware of those human beings they claim to be defending takes work like research, investigation, in depth study and actual contact with said people. Instead they choose a something iconic to assault as related to their sensibilities (Or lack there of) conveniently avoiding any of the plethora of other Tribal issues that turn the whole Red Skin name change campaign into; a Tempest in a Teapot. Any legislative member still talking about this after my publishing this will not be sitting in their seats ever again after their next election, as to why? Name one of these morons that ever showed up on the Reservation to campaign? Name one of these idiots that ever concerned themselves with First Nation issues while they sat in power other than those few Tribal members that managed to get a seat in legislation or Congress. I’m calling for a Tribal War Dance against these forked-tongued, senseless, heartless, soulless, and pathetic little vermin. I’m asking the First Nations to pony up and help vote these incumbents out. I can’t say new blood will fix everything but I can say without any doubt, the old blood won’t do anything for us; they never have. Let’s scalp them of their seats and make them walk this world in shame; we already know they will in the next so let’s give them a preview. So if you’re still wasting your time arguing with the re-branders against this check out Becks piece to better arm yourself with the facts. As for me, I dont waste my time arguing with ignorance and I just tell the re-branders to take their branding irons and shove them up their butts, HOT! Feel free to tell them this red skinned, red-blooded, red-neck, half breed, told them to do so too. – Blessing if you want them, good luck if you don’t; Reverend Nuda Waya theblaze/stories/2013/10/11/do-you-know-the-history-behind-the-name-washington-redskins/
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 08:40:31 +0000

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