I dont see anything that can stop us as disciples of Christ from - TopicsExpress


I dont see anything that can stop us as disciples of Christ from preaching this true Gospel of Christ in season & out of season, whether people will love to hear the whole truth or not, whether they will love to hear sound doctrine or not, WE MUST KEEP ON PREACHING THIS TRUE GOSPEL OF CHRIST that will save a soul & the UNDILUTED MESSAGE OF HOLINESS that will get us to Heaven eventually. This is NOT time to compromise bcos the time is very short & the Rapture is imminent, it can take place anytime, u never can tell. As for me, its not just here on Facebook I preach the Gospel bcos I hear some people call me Facebook Pastor, i dont really care what name whosoever calls me as long as am doing the Will of God with a pure & perfect heart & as long as He is pleased with my life am satisfied bcos I work for Him alone & will be rewarded by Him alone. By the special grace of God, I preach the Gospel each & everyday, to as many as the Holy Spirit leads me to minister to wherever I go I just find myself unconsciously preaching the word. Sometimes I give out little Christian tracts or literature to minister to a soul especially when am in a hurry or the situation around doesnt permit verbal communication, I call that a SILENT PREACHER bcos its very effective too...it would surprise u to know that so many souls have been won to the Lord thru Christian tracts that contained the true message of Salvation & Holiness, the Gospel of Christ. Meanwhile, there are so many (countless) ways of reaching to the lost souls on their way to Hell fire & eternal destruction, the sinner are all around u, pray & ask the Holy Spirit to give u methods & strategies on how u could reach out to them for Christ & share the Goodnews of the Gospel with them before its too late. Dont allow a sinner to slip pass ur hand & die in his or her sin when u know u are suppose to RESCUE THE PERISHING, WEEP OVER THE ERRING ONES & TELL THEM THAT JESUS IS MERCIFUL & MIGHTY TO SAVE IF THEY ONLY BELIEVE ON HIM. The LORD will surely grant u all the necessary thing to be successful in winning souls for Him in Jesus name. Amen!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:45:18 +0000

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