I dont think Capitalism is as a spirit that possess an individual - TopicsExpress


I dont think Capitalism is as a spirit that possess an individual and takes over his/her will and helplessly makes them GREEDY, SELFISH and UNCARING about others, and then suddenly the poor business man or woman, powerlessly finds themselves exploiting natural resources and other people and then defenselessly, accumulates riches and power. I think Shakespeare said it famously, when he stated through the character of Cassius in the Play Julius Caesar, The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves....Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141) or the PROBLEM/ the cause which produces evil and then lives among us is not outside of us as in Capitalism or in any ism, or in any fate outside of us, but the cause, the fault or the evil that exploits others and due to that exploitation causes evil to live in the world, is within us. It is within our human potential to choose and do evil, as it is to choose,do and multiply goodness. And then we have the case of Macbeth, who is first described as a valiant and worthy gentlemen. but then, as many people, he was tempted with wanting to acquire Power and Fame and so he became greedy. He then developed jealousy of another mans high rank and position. But in order for him to acquire this high powerful place of power and fame and wealth, he had to usurp another mans more powerful position, and it meant committing murder. So Macbeth had a choice and he chose to commit murder. So is the evil committed by humans through the means of capitalism. The evil done is not an invisible non-human entity that arises from the benign design of Capitalism. The choice to do evil is rooted in the CAPITALIST. Who will we take to court when wages are not paid to the workers, we dont take the CAPITALIST SYSTEM to court, we take the CAPITALIST to court. We search for the individual or individuals responsible. We dont sue a corporate plan, we sue the planners.. The ability to freely choose greed, and to steal and produce suffering, and remain indifferent to that suffering, and even justify it by saying, THE SYSTEM MADE ME DO IT (which in my opinion is bunk) is all a very carefully premeditated human choice. Greed will distort any system however noble in its design in order to accomplish its ends. Socialism and Capitalism or any ism can also be corrupted by secret or public greed. There are natural calamities which many times are the result of bad weather or illnesses. Other times there may be a malfunctions which are the result of a breakdown in any of the systems outside of human influences. But history instructs us when such catastrophes or malfunctions are independent of human intervention or deliberately imposed and maintained by other humans. The solutions to problems and the distribution of justice, depends on the human minds and hands who design, implement and oversee them.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 21:59:45 +0000

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