I dont think Im cut out for dog rescue. I love what I was doing - - TopicsExpress


I dont think Im cut out for dog rescue. I love what I was doing - I loved being a part of COPS, I loved going to the shelter to photograph dogs and just sit for a few minutes with the ones who werent going to make it to the adoption floor, who werent going to be pulled by a rescue, who werent going to go home, like Frosty the emaciated pit bull. I brought treats with me every single time and gave those who I knew had merely hours left on this earth several, like the puppy with the shut down liver. It was humbling and an honor and it gave my life a purpose. I loved it. I loved coaxing a terrified dog to the front of the kennel, working with them enough to get them to army crawl to one of the yards to better evaluate them, like Sampson the owner surrender bullmastiff who was deemed aggressive by his owners. I loved helping with evaluating dogs like Bianca the pit bull, who later went on to become Nessie and now lives the good life....because we were able to give her a second chance. I loved watching the progress made by Nerja, the pit bull who was so emaciated she had bone showing through pressure sores on her haunches, and I loved watching a community rally around her after picking her up in my car that freezing February night. I loved taking a chance on dogs like Giselle the doberman, who showed very poor kennel behavior, guarding and alarm barking, who was underweight, had patchy hair, and whose owner didnt want her once he found out he could no longer breed her. She was a neurotic little basket case of a dog, but she left one of the biggest holes in my heart once she went on to her forever home. I loved everything that I used to to - everything that used to consume me. And I feel like half of my heart was ripped from my chest when I think about the mess that is the central Ohio rescue community. Reading a thread on here tonight with the same back and forth, the same rhetoric, the same garbage....it brings back every ounce of stress and heartache that I felt towards the end of my active volunteering. I feel like everything I stood for, everything I lived and breathed for, was taken from me as the infighting escalated and policies were changed at the shelter. If I may be completely honest, I am very bitter.....and I despise the part of me that feels this way, because I am not an angry person by nature, yet that is how I feel towards several key people in the rescue community - angry and bitter. Maybe I feel this way because I am a weak person. I admire my friends who are still on the front lines, who still make a difference every day....I admire you all more than you know. I wish I had a fraction of your strength. Thank you for doing what you do. I support you 110% now and always.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:22:42 +0000

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