I dont think one could really say it better than Seth did, so read - TopicsExpress


I dont think one could really say it better than Seth did, so read it and weep, morons that are worshiping this fat, sack of crap human rights trashing douchebag: They dont have an essay competition to honor Mandela...or a competition to honor Churchill...or a competition basically to honor any of a number of important world leaders who didnt preside over executions and whipping of bloggers. It is amazing. Never in American history has greater shame been brought on American values. Why not have an essay competition to honor P.W Botha and Verwoerd of South Africa...or some of Americas other allies like Mubutu Sese-Seko; or other important leaders like Muammar Qadaffi or Saddam Hussein or the Shah of Iran. I mean really, National Defense University; why stop with King Abdullah; why not honor the greatness of Stalin and Ceausescu, or East Germanys modernizer Honecker; and Franco in Spain, or Bautista and also Trujillo; those could be good ones too; but dont forget Peron...and I think probably some of the various noble juntas of South America could be honored, like the one that ran Argentina in the 80s; and cant we get Idi Amin; hes amazing, and Khmer Rouge Brother Number 1; lest we forget Mao Tse-Tung, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh; and I think were really not doing service t history without perhaps Mussolini, or Enver Pasha, and Miklos Horthy. And who knows, maybe next year Osama Bin Laden... I mean its not fair to all these other amazing world leaders, these wise and courageous men...
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 19:59:00 +0000

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