I dont understand! That leads us to the “Skill of Listening” - TopicsExpress


I dont understand! That leads us to the “Skill of Listening” – that underdeveloped, MUCH wanted, MUCH needed, and MUCH neglected skill. KNOWING CHRIST, MAKING CHRIST KNOWN March 27, 2014 But I Dont I Understand Have you ever thought or uttered those words, But I dont understand. I confess that I sure have. My analytical bent always wants more information to assess before acting. This phrase may mean, I need more time to process this new information. This can certainly frustrate those of a choleric personality type who want to burst upon the scene, Ready or NOT! often to their own chagrin, and to those of us who have or have NOT had time to analyze! The sanguine personality type would respond with, Oh, its all going to be alright, whether it is or NOT; half-full glass, arent you glad, and dont you wish you had some of whatever it is might be in that glass? The phlegmatic would perhaps just be humming off to the side, Let it Be, Let it Be, Let it Be. In ALL four of the personality type quadrants, though, there is STILL the same basic need for us all - The GREAT need for affirmation [important over urgent], and The ONGOING need for information [perhaps urgent over important] and a proper response to it. That leads us to the Skill of Listening - That underdeveloped, MUCH wanted, MUCH needed, and MUCH neglected skill. The next time you dont understand, and before you charge off into battle without your sword in hand and your shield in its place [Ephesians 6:10-20], no matter how your mind and personality work, LISTEN FIRST. Only then, when you LISTEN can you learn and then live it out. As I have said numerous times, You can learn NOTHING when you are speaking. BTW, thank you for SO many positive responses to yesterdays submission, The Law of the Harvest - You WILL reap WHAT you sow; You WILL reap AFTER you sow; You WILL reap MORE than you sow Isaiah 30:15 For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. Isaiah 50:4 The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: He wakens morning by morning, He wakens mine ear to hear as the learned. GOD bless you as you seek Him first, Ron 580-656-4794 cell phone As always, I value your reply. I do pray that the Daily Quiet Time [DQT] is a blessing to you.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:33:12 +0000

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