I dont understand why kids these days are born without a basic - TopicsExpress


I dont understand why kids these days are born without a basic sense of physics.. Yep.. you heard me right!!!.. Basic sense of physics.... Not some complex Archimedes principle coupled with newtons third law stuff ... Just.. normal.. day to day concepts of weight.. Gravity etc. So this last weekend, the newest entrant to our family... My 5 year old nephew.. happened to visit us.. and by some crooked design of fate.. I decided to order pizza that day :/ The Pizza came... and the moment I opened the box.. The little one got hooked to that tiny table thingy they keep in the middle of the box.. He immediately pointed his fingers at it and asked me to give it to him... Yeah sure man..whatever you ask.. As long as its not a slice of pizza.. I am fine.. I told myself and readily obliged.. He grabbed it from my hands and started playing with it.. While I started downing the slices one by one.. Half way through the pizza.. I dunno what happened.. He must ve gotten bored or something.. Coz, I heard him calling me.. The disciplinarian that I was.. I made sure to finish the current slice and then turned towards him.. Highly impatient as he was .. realizing I wasnt immediately looking at him.. He had already made his way towards me and started pulling me towards his new ultra hi-fi toy... :/ I knew at once he had some evil intentions.. But shooed away such thoughts.. I mean... After all he was just 5 years old.. Right?... WRONGGG!!! :( It so happened that he brought me near that tiny table and... Asked me to sit on it.... :/ Now, I reasoned with him... as much as possible.. Trying to make him understand.. That.. For my weight.. If I do what he was asking.. The table will not only crush.. the crushed plastic might even force its way through the flooring tiles and reach ground floor.. :( But.. Staying true to our family trait.. He just wasnt willing to listen! :/ Failing to convince him after 5 minutes.. I thought.. Might as well act like am sitting.. So I bent down.. Gestured like I was sitting leaving a thin strand of gap between my butt and his toy table.. The little brat understood my bluff.. So he came behind me and without warning.. pushed down my shoulders.. Boom!!.. My Entire weight fell on that poor piece of plastic... and it broke into a million pieces... and the moment he saw his toy steamrolled.. He let out a HUGE wailll!! Dude.. What were you expecting then?.. I told you this would happen dint I??.. I tried to justify myself.. He dint buy that... And he wouldnt stop that horrific wail :( .. Infact, every passing minute it just got louder and louder .. so much so I was panicking if our neighbors would come calling only to see me playing with a 5 year old kid and making him cry.. I mean.. I am 27.. and I have reputation to keep! :( So I finally gave in... Called up dominos.. And ordered one more pizza... The cunning fellow dint shut his mouth till the 2nd pizza got delivered!! :/ and this my dear friends.. Is why I feel... A sense of basic physics is a must for every kid these days! Back when I was a kid... I perfectly knew big was heavy.. Small was lite.. And if big on top of small... Small DIES!!.. Its that simple..
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:01:02 +0000

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