I dont usually do this, but I think I am going to have something - TopicsExpress


I dont usually do this, but I think I am going to have something to say...directly to the person that commented on KTEN. First off, to who it might concern...you will notice that I am not hiding behind an unknown signature when I make the following statement, like you did when you commented on the KTEN report. Answer to: “WOW”...you bet I believe that a CEO can effect the difference in electrical rates being charged customers. If he couldnt, then what is the point of his position other than a glorified operations manager...and who the heck pays an operation manager $700,000 in bonus one year...$2,000,000 in bonus the next year while paying that person nearly $200,000 in salary! Where do you think that money comes from…your education didn’t tell you how to figure that out? Answer to: “Get an education...set a goal”...Well...unknown writer I have a college degree...have been the vice president of one of the largest companies of its type in America with personal offices in nine different states...with nearly 3,000 employees that reported to me. I have owned and sold several companies and in fact have been hired by several companies to increase their profits and reduce their overhead...all done with great success. Choctaw Electric is being run in a manner as if it were a for profit company...it is not. Answer to: “When did being successful mean being a crook”….I will tell you when…when that person or people in fact are BEING CROOKS~! Matlock is paid more in salary and compensation than the President of the United States. That is nothing but corporate thievery! Answer to: You remark about a “loved one” sort of gives you away…but…am I suppose to…are the members of this coop suppose to…buy Matlock a two million dollar insurance package that apparently was in the form of cash? We would ALL love to have life insurance valued at two million dollars. On the other hand…is that what it would take for you to get over his loss? Two million dollars? If so…you have some personal issues that can not be dealt with on social media~! Answer to: “2990 of those are just noisy”….And we thought you guys were not reading or paying attention to this Facebook site…well shame on you…another lie in your folder. And lastly: I am going to assume that the person that wrote that comment is a go to Church on Sunday and stab your back on Monday person. You know the type. They stand so pious in front of you, know all of the verses, talk about love and giving…and then rip people apart for taking a stand they don’t agree with….all done behind their closed doors, with whispers and unknown signatures. They/you are nothing but cowards and bullies and unrighteous thieves. Get some class! None of this would be taking place had the board, or Matlock simply responded to emails...returned phone calls...sat down with people and had a face to face conversation...
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 18:05:53 +0000

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