I dont usually get sick when other people in my house are sick, at - TopicsExpress


I dont usually get sick when other people in my house are sick, at least not since I adopted a health conscious vegan diet, and began working on myself, which has been roughly 5 years. The only time youre perceptive to catching a sickness from someone around you is if you believe that you can and you jump on their disk, or vibrationally sync up with them. If you dont have issues in the area that the sickness manifestation is reflecting then chances are youre not going to get sick. But someone in my house got a pretty nasty cold, which usually wouldnt affect me, but this morning i woke up at 6am ish, with a sore throat, I made myself some tea then tuned into and read the energy of my throat to see why it felt the need to be sore. And I was shown through imagery and energy that I was having a hard time standing up for myself because i thought I was keeping the peace, so the lack of expression of this energy weakened my throat to be perceptive to catching this cold. So out loud I stated my feelings regarding the unexpressed energy, and immediately my throat improved, then i began saying throat affirmations, (thanks Louise Hay!) I open my heart and sing the joys of love. Its okay to make noise, I express myself freely and joyously, I speak up for myself with ease. I express my creativity. I am willing to change. The throat has to do with your expression, If youre over expressing, or under expressing, or being resistant to change (because when youre undergoing change there is a lot of activity in your throat chakra) you may catch a cold! But after saying and writing those affirmations for a bit, my throat felt even better! Then I lied back down and set the intention to release the rest of that energy through my dreams, and consciously felt love for my throat, and felt myself feeling well. Then when I woke up a few hours later my throat was completely back to normal. Yayyy! We are all so powerful! Our bodies are just a manifestation of us, our lives are just a manifestation of us! We are just creators creating! (whether were consciously choosing what we create or not!) If you treat an ailment or illness with medicine and dont work on the actual issue and reason it manifested it either wont work or it will re manifest in a different ailment, illness, or something else in your life! There is a reason for everything, everything you experience is a manifestation of something inside of you, listen to your body! The only time I ever use medicine is when Im in some serious pain, and need the pain to relax for a bit while I work on the reason it manifested, which isnt very often, because intense pain and illness only manifests when someone is really deep rooted! And being the avid healer that I am i consciously work on myself all the time so thats not really an issue. TRUE HEALING COMES FROM WITH IN!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:37:37 +0000

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