I dont usually like to talk about politics but heres my 2 cents.i - TopicsExpress


I dont usually like to talk about politics but heres my 2 cents.i usually never vote for incumbents because i feel like most of them represent their own agenda and not the people that elected them.Im a little baffled this morning seeing the results of the county council race.there is an uproar when the council dramatically increases property taxes so how do we as a county react?we give the most votes to those who raised our taxes in the first place,i guess this will further embolden them to keep raising taxes because after all the people have spoken so we must like what they have done.does this only affect property owners, no because these added cost will eventually be passed on to renters.as voters do we take the time to do our homework or do we vote purely on name recognition.I believe that Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result,so if we keep voting in the same people that refuse to do the will of the people that elected them,well you get the picture.I believe that to fear change is foolish because since we are still a democracy if those new people that are elected dont do our will we can vote them out in the next election. sadly i think that the handwriting is on the wall and come november we will be stuck with the same ole same ole, but hey thats our choice.on a brighter note the people have spoken and in november we will have a new governor despite him out spending the competition ten to one,time to exit my soap box but at least i still live in a country that allows us to express our opinion.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:54:54 +0000

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