I dont usually start looking at the DragonCon guest list until its - TopicsExpress


I dont usually start looking at the DragonCon guest list until its 30 days out. so many new guests are added, and some cancel, so its hard to gauge who you might be interested in seeing. If you look at it to soon, you might be disappointed with the low number of celebrities. Not that it really matters to me. There are soooo many guests outside of movies and television. From artists, performers, internet shows, authors, engineers, and scientists across the spectrum of disciplines that celebrity guests are a great extra to an already fantastic lineup of entertaining days at the Con. Celebrity schedules are very tight, and unfortunately flexible. As a result many celebs dont commit to a Con until the last days before the event. If your an autograph hunter looking at a guest list to soon will leave you wanting. The other half of the coin is this. If you look to soon, you may see someone on the guest list you are a huge fan of, and really want to see. You get your hopes up, and look forward to it for the rest of the year. Then 36 days before the Con, their agent has booked them to start filming a new job somewhere in Canada. They have a contract, and cant break away. You wouldnt want them to anyway. Its their job. However you are none the less disappointed that your fan experience has been swept under the entertainment worlds rug. Such is the case with Kate Mulgrew at a few Dragon*Cons, and most recently with Nathan Fillion at WizardCon in Atlanta. The first thing to remember is dont be to heart broken. The fact that your fan favorite celebrity is working proves they are still popular and worthy of your fandom. Plus more work gives them more projects for you to get excited about. The second thing to remember is this, Your time will come. Your celebrity will eventually be a guest at a Con you attend. This is what happened with Kate Mulgrew after a couple of Dragon*Con cancellations, and It will happen with Nathan Fillion someday as well. Dont believe what you heard from the movie Galaxy Quest. Most celebrities like doing the Cons. They like meeting people all day telling them how great they are, and how their work changed someones life forever. The ego cant get enough of that kind of approval. Cons are not like press junkets. Interviewers are paid to talk great things about celebrities at press junkets, so the sincerity isnt there. As a result Press junkets are tedious events for celebrities. Cons however are real people, not paid propagandists. If they tell you they think youre great, its a sincere compliment from a genuine fan of yours, and the work youve done. Thats why at Dragon*Con so many celebrities have no problem coming out to mingle with the fans, on the floors of the hotels, at the parties, or even something as common as grabbing a snack in the food court. They feel secure comfortable, and loved by their fans. There is no such thing in this world as an absolute truth, so I cant say this is true of all celebrities. Some people are just jerks, (William Shatner) no matter what line of work theyre in, but this is what is true of almost every celebrity guest Ive met at Dragon*Con, and other conventions as well. Celebrities are people, and like all other people in the world they want to be loved. Cons are a great place for celebs to feel that love. Everyone wants to feel appreciated for the work they do no matter what walk of life your in. If you dont believe me stop the trash collector tomorrow morning and tell him this, I really appreciate all of the hard work youve done. Im serious. I have never seen a garbage man work as hard as you do. Ive been watching you for a long time now every morning, and have seen your attention to detail. The way you make sure everything is picked up off the sidewalk, and the way you make sure the cans are put back in the right place. I can tell you take great pride in the work you do. You have impressed me. I can honestly say that because of you my street, and by extension, the world we live in is a better place. See if that guy isnt motivated. You will have the cleanest sidewalk of any of your neighbors. He will love the fact that someone appreciates what most consider to be a thankless task. Celebrities are no different. They want real appreciation, and Cons are the best way to find that. So dont fret it if your favorite celebrity is forced to cancel out on this Con. Your fanboy/fangirl experience will happen eventually, because the celebrities want it to happen as much as you do. The reason I am ranting on this way is because today is 88 days out of Dragon*Con and I broke my cardinal rule. I went to the website to check the guest list. I will continue to check it weekly for one reason. Sir Patrick Stewart is scheduled to attend this year. I will keep checking to make sure he hasnt canceled. We didnt get a chance to meet him last time. But this time. We dont care how much money we have to spend on a stupid froggy pic. We will meet Sir Patrick Stewart, and we will get our picture with him. Provided he doesnt cancel.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 17:08:41 +0000

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