I dont want to be a Grinch but I think some people on a low or - TopicsExpress


I dont want to be a Grinch but I think some people on a low or fixed income need to get a grip during this time of holiday hoopla! I apologize up front if anyone misunderstands and becomes offended by what I am trying to convey this Christmas. I have had no formal training (thank god) in the area of sensitivity but I do know a thing or two about tough love and hear it goes. I know personally what it is like to be poor, uneducated, and struggle to make it from week to week. I know what it is like to have spent time in jail and have good paying jobs refuse to hire you because of your felon status. I know what it is like to live in the inner-city, raise four children, and spend a pay check before payday comes around. I have had to work very, very hard and have had to watch every penny all my life. I have never gone broke at Christmas or got stuck paying for gifts until the month of July because that would not be a good present to my family. I have never felt the need to stand in long lines and gather free toys for my children from area agencies. I know that Christmas is going to come around each year and I dont wait until the day before Christmas to prepare for it. I feel that all year long I work hard to provide for my family and that is a gift in and of itself. I have strived to provide my children with their own rooms (privacy), a warm shelter, good food to eat and nice clothes. I work extra hard all year so my kids can go to summer camp and enjoy a few trips to the ocean every year. I have no guilt for having small Christmass over the year. To spend money you dont have in the name of (love for your children) is irresponsible, not to mention a poor example for your children. Its best to pay your bills on time, keep out of debt, and keep things simple, even at Christmas time. Spend time with your kids if you want to show them love. Bake some cookies, catch a Christmas play or sing-a-long at an area church, attend the lighting of the public Christmas tree and sip on some hot chocolate and take a wagon ride. Play in the snow, read a Christmas story from a book from the library, stand in front of a store and ring a bell for the Salvation Army (your kid’s would love it), take part with your family by serving a meal on Christmas day at the Hope Haven Gospel Mission or make some greeting cards out of construction paper and sing a few songs to the shut inns in an area nursing home, or watch some Christmas shows on TV. There are so many ways to have a nice Christmas with your children even if you find yourself on a low income and in the midsts of a struggle. And a little tip that might come in handy to those who will be sharing a portion of their good will with the poor this year, use wisdom and practice commonsense. I know this might seem strange to some but I have seen people drop off Christmas gift boxes filled with ingredients to prepare a holiday dinner to people who do not know how to cook or donate a turkey that is too large to fit in a apartment sized oven. I have seen battery operated gifts (toys) given to the poor that fall by the way side because of the lack of funds to keep replacing batteries. It’s not wise to give a bike to a kid that lives in a fourth floor apartment because they will leave it in their yard and it will get stolen, if you do buy one get a lock too. I would not suggest giving money to beggars or people who stand on corners with cardboard signs. It would be more affective to donate to an organization that will care for the unfortunate. Merry Christmas everyone! Rev. Douglas Taylor (700 word Column) For Christmas.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:26:24 +0000

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