I don’t know about all of my FB friends because I can’t meet - TopicsExpress


I don’t know about all of my FB friends because I can’t meet ever face to face but I believe God has selected for assist our ministry among of them. Our God is faithful and Truth. You also can be that person to selected of God for us. I seem when I will post this massage to my FB friends some body will read and some body delete as sooner had seen it, but it also believe that God will send some body for helping and saving the ministry here in Bangladesh. We thank to Lord God Jesus Christ that He has given a great opportunity us for doing ministry the kingdom of God. We have been doing campus ministry with campus crusade for Christ since seven years. As our ministry policy we have to raise support faithfully for our ministry expense, our living allowance and medical cost etc from faithful Christian peoples who want to be join with ministry as our partner. Although some Christian peoples comment about us that do raising support as like beggar, Yet we are not beggar but we depend on God’ and His peoples who provide and help to fulfill the Great commission through support. Bangladesh is a Muslim fundamental Muslim country so, in Bangladesh local support raise almost impossible. Without it we lost our supporter that is why from last month we are going bad and suffering time. We have no sufficient support for living now, so my dear bro/sis pls. Pray and let’s come for helping ministry and us. And I request you if you unable to assist us financially pls. Pray and also can share about our ministry with your friends who can involve with ministry as our ministry partner to grow kingdom of God in Bangladesh. May God richly bless you! Visit our ministry web site for knowing update news gcx.org/bishwajit and pray for ministry. N. B: You can donate right now through this web Link: give.ccci.org/give/2846426 for helping us. Much love in Christ Bishwajit das
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:46:48 +0000

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