I don’t know where to start with all of this…over the past few - TopicsExpress


I don’t know where to start with all of this…over the past few years I have experienced many things and I feel that I should share and talk about them. Trying to tell of these experiences in the exact way that they happened is difficult, but I try. I was in prison for violation of probation (unpaid fines) and I wanted to be in the Sacred Heart of Jesus (my entire being), I would say over and over again “I’m in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I’m in the Sacred heart of Jesus,…” I was in a cell and I said again “I’m in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” when I was enveloped in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, His Sacred Heart went around my entire self. It was a reddish/pinkish almost transparent form around me and it doesn’t stop there, while in His Sacred Heart I heard a voice say “Michael” and saw a shadow of what I took to be him. It only lasted a few seconds, and the form was no longer around me. On to the next … I want to say before I go on any further that it is difficult to say if some of these experiences were dreams or visions. Here it goes, I had an experience where I was called into heaven, and I journeyed through and came to a mansion. I went through a few rooms and some of the rooms I came across were dedicated to Our Blessed Mother Mary. There was one day I went to a friend’s house and I was there for awhile, something was wrong with their pipes or maybe the water was shut off, I was asked if they could use my shower. We left and went to my apartment…I was always keeping up the apartment and for some reason I guess I got side tracked and hadn’t cleaned out the tub. While they were off doing something at my neighbor’s, I finished the tub real quick. They came and took a shower and my one friend was done and he was waiting for his girlfriend to finish. He asked me for something to drink and I said that I had water in the fridge. He then got himself something to drink. I had a recliner in the living room that I was sitting on and we sat and talked till his girlfriend was finished, when she was done, they were there for a few minutes and left. After they had left I felt something …I was wearing slippers and noticed water all around my feet. The best way for me to describe it …it was it was like there was Vaseline around my feet, but it was water…It was as if someone had washed my feet …it was divine. The water was there for a brief moment then was no longer there. I then cried. Something else I experienced, I saw in a vision or dream… Jesus in the womb of Mary. I was laying in a bed and was thinking of Our Blessed Mother in heaven, that I wanted to be beside her and I wanted her to take my heart and put hers inside me. I then felt her take my heart and put hers inside me and the only words that would say is I felt what seemed to be eternal bliss. I then was taken down and all of a sudden I felt a sword pierce the heart that was inside me and felt blood flow from the wound. It lasted a few seconds then I no longer felt anything. There was one time I was meditating about music in heaven and I heard what seemed to be a symphony. One night I was in my apartment and thinking of Our Blessed Mother when I felt heaven beside me and heard what seemed to be an angel talking to the Queen of Heaven, I was hold a pamphlet on how to pray the rosary there were papers inside of it and all of a sudden the papers that were inside rose to the top. One day I was sitting outside write things down on St. John of God inside a notebook when I looked to the sky and saw the clouds take the forms of images. I was standing in my apartment one evening in front of the refrigerator when a penny fell from my elbow I picked it up and there were markings all over it on both sides and on one side it had 3 white dots close to the edges it seemed to represent the Holy Trinity. There was one time I was in prayer (I think) or was just with God and all of a sudden there was a feather in my mouth. I was in prayer one time and I wanted to be praying over someone who was sick and I wanted to kiss them as I kissed the cross I then tasted and felt in my mouth the disease that the individual had. I had a dream or vision one time that my mom was to give me something, she went through a dark door frame which I was not allowed to enter she came out and handed me something. On one side was Jesus and I flipped it to the other side and there was the image of God on His throne and in front of the throne was men…someone was wearing a crown and I remember long white beards and white hair and with the image there was the blue sky and clouds. I had a vision or dream and during it I saw a picture of St. Theresa the little flower and a voice say to me that St. Theresa will be there when you get to heaven. Then awhile after, over more than a year, I was in my bedroom thinking of St. Theresa and how she was so young and so smart and how she did it…I then I heard her voice from heaven say ”prayer.” I have experienced being burned with particles of fire then sprinkled with water through the course of some time. I saw one time Jesus being sent to be conceived in the womb of Mary. I had a vision or dream where I was sitting Indian style on the ground and Jesus came to me and threw me 4 balls that were pearl in color, as he said “take care of yourself.” I was taken by God over St. Peter in heaven and I heard St Peter speak words to me. There are more things that I have experciened that I could talk about that I choose to omit from the other things that I have written. Maybe in time more will be added. I want to leave this off by only saying, remain “In” God. Colossians 3:1 So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 18:58:20 +0000

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