I don’t normally do this but I feel like I have a right to say - TopicsExpress


I don’t normally do this but I feel like I have a right to say how I feel about ALL OF THIS: If you knew the Truth about what happened you would be shocked! Not only did u assume that I did something I didnt, Not only did u just take someone’s word without even trying to find out what really happened, but that the fact that you would even consider the notion that I would do something so disrespectful and hateful is appalling to me. I was raised better than that. I may not be perfect and believe me when I say I have made my share of mistakes in my life, but everything I have ever done was nothing more or less than what I felt I had to do at the time. The finger of blame that you point towards me should be redirected to someone a lot closer to home, say in your backyard for instance. I have tried to tell you what really happened many times but you CHOOSE not to hear me. Now, I’m not going to sit here and have myself a pity party or act like a stupid fool, but you have no idea what all of this had been like for me. Balancing between what is right and what is fair, waiting patiently for the truth to come from the guilty party’s lips to no avail, trying to find the right path to walk, trying desperately not to hurt anyone in the process while inside I feel like I can’t take much more... I have been and will continue to protect the one who has caused all of this. Not because I’m guilty, and not out of fear, but because they are the one that will have to live out the rest of their life knowing good and damn well that they are the cause of all of this. Things would not be as they are if you would just be willing for one second to understand. I hate that things have gotten to this point but hopefully before this is all over you will know the Truth about what really happened and maybe then you will finally understand.....
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:43:58 +0000

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