I don’t normally share my personal challenges, as I know - TopicsExpress


I don’t normally share my personal challenges, as I know everyone has struggles complications in daily life, and I never want anyone to feel pity for me. On top of that I would much rather share my joy and excitement with you, which will follow. Today I would like to share with you of a challenge I have been struggling with. Some may relate as you too may be going through a similar situation or previously experienced. My disability is very visible, however there are others who have hidden disabilities. I am sharing this to educate, enlighten and to inspire. Those that know me know that I have been paralyzed for 25 years and am confined to an electric wheelchair. To those that do not, I broke my neck at age 19 in a motor vehicle accident leaving me mostly paralyzed. Three years ago I had a new challenge that continued to add to my plate of struggles, a pressure sore. Sitting in a wheelchair for long durations will cause tissue damage. While most of my years living with a disability I remained physically healthy. This year was different. Whether it was my aging or defective medical equipment or just the simple fact that I keep busy. A pressure sore is different than a normal cut or bruise as it affects the tissue under the skin. This is the tissue needed to bring healing nutrients to the rest of the body. Once these tissues are damaged a much longer healing process occurs. In addition any continued pressure slows or further damages the wound. So in 2010 after receiving my first pressure sore I began the long process of healing. I spent over a year of my life confined to a bed. Only seeing family and a handful of friends. Those that know me see me as a very active and energetic person and this year seem to pull the carpet out from under my feet. I went from total freedom to complete isolation…even prisoners get an hour outside each day. Netflix became my companion and popcorn my diet of choice as I watched endless movies it seemed. Some weeks I would get encouraged as the nurse would tell me the wound was getting smaller, then to be disappointed by one set back and then another. What I thought would take a few days to heal turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and then a year. After a year I received plastic surgery, which really helped speed up the healing process. Awaiting the surgery the Doctor cam to my bedside to explain exactly what he was going to do to my bottom. After being laid up so long I told the doctor he could do anything he wanted as long as I left his operating room without an STD. After my surgery I healed up in about 2 more months. I so looked forward to getting my life back. What I did learn quickly was damaged tissue never really heals 100 percent. Throughout the next 3 years I would have small setbacks again leaving me bedbound for lengths of time. My last setback happened late in 2012 and has haunted me throughout 2013, till now. It seemed every time I would make plans to meet up with friends, try to accomplish a project or to complete a responsibility, I would have to cancel, push back or fail to meet my responsibilities. I could not make or keep commitments as life functioned on a day-to-day schedule. We all know life happens while making plans and here I was unable to plan anything. Furthermore, my family and friends who knew my struggles, I’m sure also was affected seeing me experiencing this. Today is a welcomed day as what was once a sore is now but a memory. Opening a new chapter in my life, I want to thank everyone who helped, cared and loved me through this long struggle. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many and I am honored to have you amongst my positive healing support group. So now I share my excitement and my joy with you. Now I can make plans, keep commitments and fulfill my responsibilities, to get out of existing and start living again. What ever struggle you face today, know there is hope never lose faith that God is in control and he puts people in your life to lift you up and to encourage you because one day you will tell your story and inspire others. Even when you feel like you have no value or nothing to offer remember this, if God can use a broken vessel like me, how much more can he do with you….. May you be inspired, uplifted and spiritualy refreshed …… Please share if this has touched you or you feel led to inspire others….
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:37:29 +0000

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