I downloaded a interesting thesaurus: mthesaurus.txt and it had a - TopicsExpress


I downloaded a interesting thesaurus: mthesaurus.txt and it had a good itemisation of "normal: Kinema no tenchi I had promised, that the last movie of the series would bring the solutions. Then I missed it. German: "Die goldenen Tage des Filmes" - but surely, here the! very common everywhere and regular, normal and normal, academe, academia, accepted, according to Hoyle, air line, all there, alma mater, appropriate, arranged, average, axis, azimuth circle, balance, balanced, banal, beeline, besetting, bourgeois, businesslike, center, central, characteristic, chord, clearheaded, clearminded, college, college of engineering, common, commonplace, community college, compos mentis, condign, conformable, conformist, consuetudinary, conventional, correct, current, customary, decent, decorous, degree-granting institution, diagonal, diameter, direct line, directrix, distinctive, distinguishing, dominant, due, edge, epidemic, established, everyday, exemplary, familiar, fit, fitting, formal, four-year college, garden, garden-variety, general, generality, generally accepted, golden mean, good, graduate school, great-circle course, habitual, happy medium, harmonious, healthy, healthy-minded, in hand, institute of technology, intermediary, intermediate, ivied halls, journalism school, junior college, juste-milieu, kosher, law school, lucid, mean, medial, median, medical school, mediocre, mediocrity, medium, mentally sound, methodical, middle, middle course, middle ground, middle point, middle position, middle state, middle-class, middle-of-the-road, middling, midpoint, moderate, multiversity, natural, naturalistic, naturistic, nice, no great shakes, norm, normal school, normative, obtaining, of sound mind, ordered, orderly, ordinary, orthodiagonal, orthodox, orthogonal, orthometric, pandemic, par, perpendicular, plastic, plumb, popular, postgraduate school, predominant, predominating, prescribed, prescriptive, prevailing, prevalent, proper, quintessential, radius, radius vector, rampant, rational, realistic, reasonable, received, rectangular, regnant, regular, regulation, reigning, rife, right, right and proper, right angle, right line, right-angle, right-angled, right-angular, righteous, rightful, routine, rule, ruling, run, run-of-mine, run-of-the-mill, running, sample, sane, sane-minded, school of communications, school of education, secant, seemly, segment, sensible, set, shortcut, side, sound, sound-minded, stable, standard, steady, stereotyped, stock, straight, straight course, straight line, straight stretch, straightaway, streamline, suburban, suitable, symmetrical, systematic, tangent, time-honored, together, traditional, transversal, true to form, true to type, two-year college, typal, typic, typical, unexceptional, uniform, universal, university, university college, unnoteworthy, unremarkable, unspectacular, upright, usual, varsity, vector, vertical, vertical circle, via media, well-ordered, well-regulated, wholesome, widespread, wonted solution was presented; - not too bad to have a normal at all ; - Here mthesaurus.txt used for itemisation- Really giving competition to Swedenborgs attempt to normalize with a 10.000 repetition of opposition pairs; -
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 23:26:25 +0000

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