I drank a lot of tap water in my 4 years at Alma College. Uh - TopicsExpress


I drank a lot of tap water in my 4 years at Alma College. Uh oh. The Effects of Alma Water on Lab Rats People often complain that the Alma water tastes and look disgusting. A few years ago a small study was done that found that female laboratory rats that were drinking the Alma water contracted precancerous tumors. The city of Alma has since changed its water treatment. This study was designed to determine whether female lab rats on the Alma water would again show signs of precancerous tumors. Eight female rats were separated into two groups of four; group one that was given Aquapure water purchased locally, and group two that was given Alma water straight from the tap. During the year the rats were weighed weekly and their water intake and waste output were measured and recorded. At the end of the year the rats were dissected and their bodies were searched for abnormalities. All of the rats on the Alma College water showed abnormalities in the breast area, the ovaries, or both. No strange growths or lesions were found on either the breasts/nipple area or in their ovaries of rats that drank Aquapure. Data from this experiment suggest the City should reexamine the water treatment methods. Kily Buta ’15, DeWitt, MI Major: Integrative Physiology and Health Science Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Gwyneth Beagley alma.edu/live/files/506-2014-honors-day-abstract-book Thanks to Emily Weston for the heads up!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:06:21 +0000

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