I edit the board meetings for our TV station and watch most of - TopicsExpress


I edit the board meetings for our TV station and watch most of what happens at them. A lot of things bother me, especially when it comes to spending our money. One item I missed earlier and just caught this weekend was at the May 21st meeting the town voted to spend $23,958.10 on a website redesign. Firstly I wonder if a redesign is worth nearly 24 thousand dollars. Would it bring in more business, more jobs, more investors, will it benefit the people of the community? I doubt it. The main use will probably be for residents to try and find out when garbage pickup days are, and is not worth this price tag in my opinion. But secondly, and probably most importantly, is that the contract was given to a company in KANSAS! The reason being that theres no one locally that can do the type of work that we want done. I did not see the request for proposal and did not find a reference to what other proposals were received, but I do not believe the money would not be better spent in or near 13662. Twenty four thousand dollars is a years wages for the majority of the people in this county. There are some good web developers in our area and I believe with a little searching we could have found somebody to do the job. For that kind of money we could have taken somebody and TRAINED THEM TO DO THE WEBSITE. When are we going to realize that we need to keep our money HERE! We pump way too much money out of the area. This is indeed coming out of the compact money, and for some reason people feel like its FREE money, well its NOT. There are many people in this area that have contributed to that fund. Some have lost their savings, their homes, and some have lost a lot more. We need to spend our money SMARTLY and we need to spend our money HERE. Since I moved to Massena we have lost about 75% of the industrial work force, and we are not going to replace that with a fancier website, nor the quarter of a million dollars to renovate downtown. All I can see is that we may have some prettier empty buildings. Dont forget the $13,000 we spent for new trash cans for main street that look like they came from 1968, those babies are attracting new business prospects every day. I encourage you people to attend the board meetings, if thats not convenient you can watch them on our cable channel or on our internet channel all for free. See whats going on in your community, ask questions, make suggestions, get involved, CARE! Things need to change and we are the ones that need to change them!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:15:46 +0000

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