I empathize so greatly with the president, I am sorry sir you are - TopicsExpress


I empathize so greatly with the president, I am sorry sir you are going through this with a very well intended bill meant to improve the health and vitality of our nation, strengthen our future as education does, as well and reform a corrupt medical record system by making a national data base. It also eliminates the donut whole for Medicare and makes student loans more accessible and easier to to obtain; if not guaranteed. Now Mr. President, I do not feel bad for you because of my limited support for the bill or even your personal pains right now; no I feel bad because I know like I, that YOU want the best for our nation, your children, their children and the countless other futures yet to be realized in this great country of ours. And like I, you understand reform is necessary BUT seemingly impossible. If there is so much resistance to this already remedied and modified bill from its original inception, and their is so much friction being generated in the private sector from the endless coffers of the medical and pharmaceutical industry lobbies; never mind the partisan politics that have stuck their heads in and out continuously like a game of wack a mole as whole life long careers are hinged to these lobbies, snickering and bickering about this reform; then how the f#*ck are we ever going to get a water powered engine in the form of a government mandate? I mean there are two things in this country people are instantaneously fanatical about; GUNS and their CARS; and why shouldnt we be, we have practically invented or perfected both of these revolutionary machines? There are no more concerted lobbies than the automotive and oil industry lobbies and their influence and pervasiveness into the very fabric of our society is considerable to put it mildly. They possess massive war chests, they have incredible marketing and advertising to get all of their various points across and never mind the political ear of so many entrenched Republicans and Democrats alike, whose careers are hinged to those particular lobbies as well and those massive war chests. It is similar to health care reform the parable here, for the very fate of our nation and the fate of the world for that matter, are hinged on our mutual willingness to accept and desire such reforms. If health care and its availability is too much for everyone, then the conceivability of a water powered engine either in the form of a hydro assist device or a totally redesigned combustible engine is absolutely impossible. It was incredible to me that during the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, I had not read about a single outpouring for the water powered engine (patented in the US since 2005), just more rhetoric and ideological fervor blaming the rich for everything. Yet the water powered engine is implicit to the future and well being of this nation and its only going to be heralded through such a radical approach and public outpouring; for otherwise those very lobbies will rue the day and you can blame all the 1%- ers you want, Im one of them and I am telling you all sincerely, we need this; this from someone with a considerable stake in the oil sector. My love of country supersedes my live of money for I could easily keep my mouth shut like everyone else in the industry and see those future profits realized instead of sounding off about this very real and tangible invention from the likes of inventors like Dennis Klein. We would improve our carbon footprint, set an example for the rest of the world to follow, possibly slow global warming, reduce our dependency on dangerous foreign oil and the residual support for terrorism that it bolsters; its win win all the way. Obama is finding out that it is better politically to keep your head down over such cantankerous and ire spurring issues, for seemingly it is political suicide and the president is being martyred right now. This is the pathology of Washington and why hardly kept secrets like the water powered engine do not get politicized or rarely make it to press, no one wants to be nailed to that proverbial political cross; despite many of our elected officials great patriotism. Keep hope alive Mr. President. I truly believe that there is so much more hanging on this bill, not just physical health and well being for the individual/ state/ nation, but the very psyche of this country to seek and desire reform without the embedded and entrenched influences of so much private capitalism and partisan politics.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:05:51 +0000

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