I enjoy all the its been a great year posts - truly, I do. But - TopicsExpress


I enjoy all the its been a great year posts - truly, I do. But 2014 has really sucked. I lost a dear, dear friend to an apparent heart attack, the Cardinals lost Oscar Tavares to drunk driving, Philip Seymour Hoffman ODd, Joan Rivers died from medical malpractice, Pete Seeger died from profound disappointment and Robin Williams just chucked it all. But we made Molly Cyrus famous all over again for shaking her ass and one of the Kardashians just for showing her ass. Colbert single-handedly ruined television by fleeing Comedy Central to take over Lettermans foundering ship. The North Koreans convinced Sony to think about selling Walkman cassette players again instead of big budget movies. Half of our elected officials think that fetuses and corporations deserve equal legal protection, that its ok to shoot black people and women cant have reproductive rights unless its a legitimate rape. Rolling Stone ruined a bunch of lives by not interviewing anybody before printing false gang rape allegations, Ted Cruz shows how smart he is by letting a bunch of Obama nominees slide through the Senate while he thought no one was looking, and Al Sharpton just wants CNN to spell his name right. Theyre still digging people out of submerged cruise ships and ferries along with Turkish and Chinese mines. Malaysia Air Flight MH370 is still missing. Meanwhile, people are shooting cops in the street to protest cops shooting people in the street and treating arson as a protected First Amendment activity. Dick Cheney is proud to have tortured, Alex Rodriguez is proud to have used steroids, and Vladimir Putin is proud of the Russian economy. Meanwhile, Obama is going to buy a bunch of Cuban cigars with all the money he saved buying gasoline for $1.98 a gallon.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:33:10 +0000

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