I enjoy every stage of my childrens life... I dont miss the baby - TopicsExpress


I enjoy every stage of my childrens life... I dont miss the baby them or wish they stay certain ages longer. Im excited to experience every new step cause even with 3 boys each brings something new to the table. Skylar has always been my incredibly naturally smart, caring, mature, thinks hes grown little man. Josiah jr is my sweet, shy, sensitive, inquisitive little man with the best smiley dimple face ever! And Cash Cash Cash my trouble maker, Head strong to smart for his own good, instigator, who is so loving, my sweet baby. But I do look forward to THEM NOT DESTROYING EVERYTHING! Lol I swear they have broken, cut, peed on, things broke doors off hinges, broken a window, painted with poop o walls (thank god they dont do that any more) colored on walls with crayons, pencils, markers, permanent markers. Got a carton of eggs on the floor, bathed in peanut butter. Flooded the floors. Spit wads on the ceiling. Wasted 647284 rolls of toilet paper (in the toilet or tub) . Empty 637688 bottles of shampoo/bubble bath. Use the floor as trash. They scream, they yell they fight. They tattle (except when its important). They talk back, they argue, they try to negotiate. They make you stressed, worry, angry, and overwhelmed. Even as I write this out of stress...the second I start talking about them my whole mood changes. Even bringing up every little bad thing it fills me with such happiness to be able to experience true boys to the bone. I love every eventful minute. I love being their parent. I may not be perfect. But I dont doubt myself as a mother. They love me. They are well mannered (though having all three In public can be a handful cause they are always antagonizing each other) they are smart. They are happy. We raise our children how we feel is best. They are disciplined and loved and talked to as people. I could go on forever about them.... I love my babies...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 03:07:05 +0000

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