I enjoy face book. If it wasnt for Wendy Peel Hebbard introducing - TopicsExpress


I enjoy face book. If it wasnt for Wendy Peel Hebbard introducing me to it several years ago I would have missed many special times in my life; I would not have met some very special folks; and I wouldnt get to talk to my peeps as often. FB is convenient! I have to chuckle when I hear someone complain about FB. Just today someone said they deleted their page because of all the drama. Huh? Drama? However, shes not the first person Ive heard say that. Yes, it seems that some folks get on FB to complain and moan about any and every little thing they can. Pffft. In my world those folks would end up getting knocked off of my list. However, in four years Ive only had to delete a few people. I dont see a lot of complaining and sometimes I see bits of drama. However, I care about every person on my list and we all need to vent at times...isnt that what friends are for? And when we experience trials and hardships in life I want as many folks praying for me as possible. Dont you? Prayer works! So, Ive decided if theres a ton of drama in your FB world perhaps you-know-who might be causing it! Lets live, laugh, and love yall and save the drama fah ya mama! :P God bless!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 00:11:53 +0000

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