I enjoyed the church service yesterday. Let me briefly describe - TopicsExpress


I enjoyed the church service yesterday. Let me briefly describe what happened. Being that the park where I am staying for the winter is filled with retired people the church is filled each week with senior citizens. There was prayer, responsive reading, singing, offering, the sermon and communion. The order of service so generic that it probably could describe what happens in most churches. But this church is unlike most churches. The lady who plays the piano is 86 and I have never heard a better church pianist. Special music was provided by two ladies in the choir who are probably in their late 70s or early 80s. They also were very good. The chaplain preached and then conducted the communion service differently than Ive ever experienced. Earlier in the service the congregation recited the Scripture that is repeated every week. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. The responsive reading emphasized the same theme being that every verse was about worship. I cannot speak for anyone else but for me it was a great time of worship. I could make that same statement about any church service I attend. For worship is not about the style of music or the length of a service or anything that might be planned to stir a persons emotions. Jesus said, where two or more gather in My name, there am I in their midst. Worship is acknowledging His presence by willfully drawing near to Him. The size of the church not the ages of those who attend does not matter. Great worship does not require special effects that are produced by sound and lighting. It is foolish to think you cannot worship unless there is a choir and organ or a praise team with guitars and drums. The book of Psalms is mainly about worship. Over and over the psalmist emphasizes that worship is a volitional act. I will extol His name. I will enter His gate with thanksgiving and His court with praise. I will. I will. I will. God help us to understand that the name above the church door or a particular style or form is not required for worship to take place. Worship can take place anywhere at any time. This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Yes, I will. #woodswitandwisdom
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:15:18 +0000

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