I feel AWFUL right now. My neck/back/head feel as if they got - TopicsExpress


I feel AWFUL right now. My neck/back/head feel as if they got stuck in a boxing match and lost. After several doses of pain meds and anti-nausea medicine all day, they finally put me on morphine which is apparently one of the only pain meds that doesnt make me vomit continuously:( Ive been able to rest a bit toward the end of today, and although Im still in a lot of pain, Im mostly just thankful to be ALIVE at this point. God most assuredly had his hand on our vehicle during the entire wreck. There is not a doubt in my mind about that fact. As we looked around after the car flipped right side up and stopped, Scott noticed that the back windshield was completely gone, as well as the driver side window which I apparently busted with my head. The EMTs had to use their machine to rip the door off of the car in order to get me out and onto the stretcher. Scott walked away with some bumps and bruises and a pretty bad headache, but he WALKED. He was and is sore, but he is FINE. My sweet and amazing hubby is able to be here with me in the hospital to help me heal, and I can only think about how incredibly grateful and humbled I have been by this whole experience. As I looked out the window after waking up to see the car jerking across the highway and back toward the ditch (not knowing what was coming for us), all I could think about was Scott and our sweet babies. I thought we were going to die. I truly did. I cant help bit cry every time I actually sit and think about it. God had mercy on us and didnt take us outta here just yet. Praise God. I need and want us to be here to raise our babies. The orthopedic dr will be coming in tomorrow to make a call on what course of action we need to take to get my neck healed. One of these options would make it very difficult to be with the kids and basically make everyday life very difficult for the next several months. The other is just to wear my neck brace for 3 months or so, and this is obviously the one Im praying for. Please join us in praying that this will be the decided course of action, and that we will all be on the road to recovery very soon. Thank you for all of the calls and kind words of encouragement that has been sent our way. I would also like to thank Tift Regional for doing a great job and helping us stay as comfy as possible during a very NOT comfy time. The EMTs did an amazing job and their caring and concern was definitely felt by me and Scott. And Thank you to our wonderful families who have helped us through this incredibly difficult time! We dont know what we would do without them all. Thank you to them for helping with our sweet babies (including our sweet baby puppy, Maggie). Please pray that scott will rest well tonight and that the pain he will feel from waking up in the morning will not be unbearable for him. I know hes going to be sore. Anyway, I wanted to update since I had finally gotten some sleep. My phone is dead right now and will not charge for some reason, so scott let me use his iPad until we can work something out. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and it would be much appreciated. Well, Im going to try to sleep now. Scott has dozed off finally, and I am hurting, rolling around in this hospital bed with a giant neck brace. I should truly be the poster child for not driving while sleepy. It is NEVER a good idea. Even if you think youll be fine. Just dont. Its not worth it. Not at all. Hope everyone has a restful night. And again, thanks for all the prayers and kind thoughts being sent our way. They are much appreciated!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:22:03 +0000

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