I feel Ive reached a point in my music career where more and more - TopicsExpress


I feel Ive reached a point in my music career where more and more people who where I was a few years ago ask me all sorts of music questions and advice. Its cool on the one hand to be respected and on the other hard to say if what works for me will in fact work out for someone else. So heres a few pieces of advice if anyone wanting to play, perform, write, etc music that Ive learned. I may start up my blog again to write things like this. 1. You have to really want to do it well. The worst musicians out there are the ones who have no passion, half-ass it, or have other priorities (like drinking or getting laid) before playing music. If you work your ass off, you will get better and eventually noticed. 2. Always be grateful even if youre rubbed the wrong way occasionally. In other words dont be a douche. Dont start gossip. Be professionally honest if things arent working out with a band member, venue, booking person, etc. Be grateful even if it is a bad situation because youll learn from it and know down the line how to avoid those situations again. 3. Stay organized. Goes without saying. Dont arrive late. Know how to set your sound. Have all your equipment. Have a calendar. Make sure your website is tight. The list goes on and on. 4. Play as much as you can. At home, out, wherever. Collaborate with other musicians. The more you do, the more you learn about your abilities and cultivate your talents. 5. Find standards that work for you. On getting paid, on audiences that work best for you, on how far you want to travel, on the kinds of people you want to work with. Define your career for you. 6. Patience. Music is not an overnight success thing even though that phrase is dropped a bunch. Its taken me years to get into certain venues I wanted to play. Its taken me years to release songs/albums. Its taken me years to have a conversation with key people. Nothing drops in your lap. Dont assume youre the best for any reason, because even if you are it wont last forever.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:59:05 +0000

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