I feel a bit uncomfortable discussing this in a facebook status, - TopicsExpress


I feel a bit uncomfortable discussing this in a facebook status, but nevertheless, here goes.. A PLANT BASED (VEGAN) DIET IS A MAN’S MOST POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST IMPOTENCE Dairy, Meat(including poultry and fish), and eggs clog arteries, and restrict efficient and healthy blood flow to veins and arteries over time. This is fact, dearest friends. There is more than enough irrefutable evidence showing the link between heart disease (which is expressed in its earliest stages as impotence) and diet. One could start by reading Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, and The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. Both are very legitimate and well respected. If you want your you-know.. to work, lay off the animal products. Seriously guys! Impotence can also very often be reversed with a plant based diet, especially an over fat-free/(oil-free) plant based diet. Heart disease, and diabetes can also be reversed, quite literally, well over 90% of the time, when eating an overt fat free vegan diet (see Dr Neal Barnard’s book Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes for more info about diabetes reversal). Healthy blood flow is further yet improved by laying off the oil and eating an overt fat free vegan diet, and it you really want to step it up as much as possible, consider trying the 80 10 10 Diet and lifestyle. This is a raw plant based diet, high carb, and low fat. This way of eating has enormous health benefits, including serious Cancer prevention, anti-aging, weight loss, and a dramatic increase in energy. For an abundance of info on the 80 10 10 diet, please check out...... foodnsport/ 30bananasaday/ While all types of vegan diets are highly beneficial for…um-reproductive health, this specific type of vegan diet is even more than others, one that will bring an enormous level of LASTING genital health and function. It is not healthy or natural for men to be losing it at the age we have been seeing in this society. RAW PLANT FOODS ARE A POWERHOUSE IN ACCELERATING HEALTHY BLOOD FLOW. AND HEALTHY BLOOD FLOW = WELL FUNCTIONING YOU- KNOW -WHAT . In this case, fruits and veg especially, even more so than nuts or Avocadoes. For excellent info on how to do this diet effectively, visit foodnsport/, as well as 30bananasaday/ Viagra has killed before, as you are already no doubt aware, and on the ethical side of it, is tested on animals. No pill, whether herbal or pharmaceutical will take away the damage done on the cardiovascular system over time from the consumption of animal products. -*It is hardly a solution to the problem. However, as said before, an overt fat free vegan diet can literally work wonders in reversing this health problem. For an abundance of information on this issue, and other info about plant based diets, check out The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and any of books written by Drs. Neal Barnard, John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, and Doug Graham. All are knowledgeable vegan doctors who have shared much valuable information on the health benefits of a plant based (vegan) diet. drmcdougall/.../free-mcdougall-program/ pcrm.org/.../diets/kickstart/kickstart-programs nealbarnard.org/ yummyplants/.../dr-neal-barnard-discusses.../
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 01:00:16 +0000

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