I feel a need to get something off my chest thats really been - TopicsExpress


I feel a need to get something off my chest thats really been bothering me lately. So often times, when people converse with each other, we dont actually take in a conscious effort to absorb what the other person is saying. Were instantly thinking of a response. Its our form of relating, but really, youre just spitting words back into the air to satisfy your own ego, not to take in the reality and emotions and thoughts of another human beings mind filtered into words. We talk over each other. We occupy our head with responses rather then letting anothers perspective impact us. When I was in theater conservatory, we did so many exercises based on listening because it is such a powerful experience. True listening is almost like a form of meditation because it involves clearing your own busy mind and letting anothers impact you deeply. It makes you feel things. Agree with them? You feel. Disagree? You feel. Relate? You feel. The best actors know how to let the power of words drive them into action, not just continued meaningless banter. Im so sick of banter. Ive noticed so many friends just dont even bother to really open up because they feel they wont be listened to, myself included. Words get abused as a tool to fill silence rather then build intimacy. Words are a powerful substance. So often I get stuck in my own head, but when someone is telling me something meaningful, I try and really listen. I let their words impact me. I try to clear my mind of instantaneous response, which as a natural impulse is not at all easy. But so often, when Im asked How are you? and I begin to answer honestly and vulnerably open up about whats really going on in life, I get talked over by the very person who seemingly wanted to know. I feel the responses permeate in the others head well before Im even given a chance to fully answer what they asked. So I think we just give up after a while and leave it at a simple Im good because who really cares anymore anyway? Its hard. It takes too much effort. Theres another soul in another body and its trying to communicate something. God forbid we let their words actually imprint our spirit before we begin talking back... Next time someone tells you something meaningful to them, look into their eyes, clear your mind, open your ears, and in doing so, already know that youre saying I love you...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 09:09:41 +0000

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