I feel a random rant coming on. . . . . . . You know, in all - TopicsExpress


I feel a random rant coming on. . . . . . . You know, in all honesty Im pretty sure my childhood drawings surpassed most of these... maybe all of them... I distinctly recall my mother coming home (after having raided my notebooks from school and having taken several drawings/writings to her shrink and showing them to her) and telling me how I concern everyone and had been scheduled to meet with a counsellor and needed to begin drawing happier things, like flowers, mountains, puppies, and girls with their clothes actually ON. I still to this day see nothing wrong with children expressing their emotions through art of any form to get if off their chest BECAUSE ITS HEALTHY, and had I held all those emotions in Im pretty sure I wouldve exploded and done something drastic instead with time... I used my art to have a voice and outlet and to heal, and I still do. I get that there are supposedly certain red flags and warning signs to watch out for to be sure your child isnt a sociopath/psychopath/future serial killer, and I can appreciate their concern I guess; but I think more often than not parents telling children there is something wrong with them because they think outside the lines of what society deems normal and they need to censor how they express themselves will only make them feel more tragically alienated and odd than they already felt rather than helping matters. I mean, yes maybe you should talk to them and reach out to them if you notice any warning sign drawings, but do so in a supportive way that encourages them to continue their art freely and doesnt stifle their creativity regardless. Art can be quite therapeutic and it may just be the answer, not the problem. But rant over, lol. That being said, enjoy these wonderfully creepy drawings from wonderfully odd kids... who knows, they may be the next Tim Burton or Guillermo Del Toro and make something horrifically amazing someday!!! Just my own take on the matter though, and Im sure my art still terrifies some people. ;3
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:47:22 +0000

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