I feel bad about the people outside Maribojoc. In the first place, - TopicsExpress


I feel bad about the people outside Maribojoc. In the first place, all they know is only a page of the story, not the entire book actually. Second, theyre not even living within the town, so the news they heard are just merely the branches, not the root. Third, theyre not even town dwellers; they havent witnessed how good or bad our scenario is. Issues are just petty ones but the oppositions made a grasp of it; took advantage and used it to cause turbulence between an Agency and the Leaders. Try to put on others shoes. If I were the Mayor; without doubt I would surely do the same. His motives and rationale are misinterpreted by those close-minded individuals. Imagine, a bundle of goods and medicines which benefits only a slice out from the entire population. They call it selfless, but I call selfish. I know because I myself havent receive any, when on the other hand, others received plenty. Have you ever come to mind why we need leaders and officials? A simple answer as this would explain simply to lead the people towards welfare and betterment. If your not that sure with what you heard; better keep your mouth shut. Your judgments and testimonies are irrelevant to the public. Were not playing DoTa here where greed is good, were dealing lives here. If they really want to extend help, then do it in a centralized manner. For the knowledge of everybody, it is a way to disseminate equally and for fair distribution of goods, making sure that every family whether rich or poor, young or old, official or just plain residents both receives on hand goods and services. No need to rush & fall in line, no more running and shouting. All you have to do is sit back & patiently wait for the barangay officials to distribute tent to tent, already packed goods. Believe it or not, Maribojoc has a good forte & remarkable progress for the past 7 years. And no doubt for the next years. All credits to our noble and morally upright leaders. We already experienced different disasters and calamities, I believe this too shall pass. - DX Pilotos
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:51:30 +0000

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