I feel compelled to bring a simple, gentle perspective to light in - TopicsExpress


I feel compelled to bring a simple, gentle perspective to light in hopes of squashing tensions, renewing solidarity, and reminding all of what, in this moment... at this time... is of importance... There are many loved ones of missing and murdered persons in our area... all of which carry their own unique pain. When another person goes missing, all of those emotions come rising up in full force.... we cannot, however, allow.. even for a moment... those emotions to take away from the support that we all have shown each other prior... In this moment, at this time... Hannah is missing... and as the Chief of Police asked so graciously in the press conference yesterday.. please lets keep the attention on Hannah right now... What must her parents be thinking that there is more talk about others right now... good, bad, and in between... then their own child? They are not focused on similarities, or more or less media coverage, or who else is missing, or in what radius or how many from where... or if its a student or not a student... or any other factor other than... their own child is missing. I absolutely understand that for each family and supporters of every missing or murdered loved one in our Virginia community, that this brings up a multitude of pain-filled emotions.... whether it is because of similarities or concerns of amounts of coverage, or standing up for loyalties, or what have you... every single one of these emotions is valid... but Hannahs family is in crisis... none of what what others are going through is on their minds right now! I feel that we are allowing these understandable emotions to create a divide where there does not need to be one.. we should ALL be coming together in support of them... period... there is but one priority... this is not about anyone other then the human person named HANNAH who is missing ....it doesnt matter how old she is, what gender she is, what her background is... or anything else... she is missing... she is the one who is in the process of being searched for in hopes of finding her alive... that is the ONLY priority right now. I absolutely support all families of all missing and murdered loved ones... I absolutely support the importance of media coverage and the work it takes to achieve that... I absolutely understand loyalties and being there for those who have been there for you.... I also support all of us all coming together for this person... who is newly missing... who needs ALL of us.. to stand strong and united for her... and for her family... As loved ones, families, supporters, advocates, and individuals who care.... please let us refocus everything... everything... on Hannah... her family... on the search personnel looking for her... and the positive energy and prayers necessary to bring her home alive and safe. My absolute love, respect, and gratitude to each and every one of you. I know that these past few days have been an emotional rollercoaster for all. Let us ALL stand UNITED... for Hannah and her family.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:50:25 +0000

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