I feel compelled to respond to the many memes, posts and messages - TopicsExpress


I feel compelled to respond to the many memes, posts and messages today from friends and friend/opponents as some have sough my console and guidance. I do not know why they wish to know of my thoughts but I will try to ease some concerns and raise others as I try to frame what you have just seen in the political spectrum as I see things. As for the high praise some of you have offered for my time with you I can only say your words are too kind to an old storyteller who was just enjoying himself hanging out having discourse with some great young minds. I would like to begin by stating that what you have just seen has been a consistent trend in American elections over time. In years where there is no presidential ballot is being considered there is very low turn out this years 25-30 % or so I have been gone to doctor all day so have not seen the final figures but I know they were typically low. As well some (myself included) dub the off year (no president on ballot) cycle the Angry Voter elections. What that means is that only voters with some Axe To Grind ( Philip J. Ransdell dont get excited he is not running anywhere he died in 2004) even make an effort to come out to vote. What this means is the angriest 13-18% of the entire electorate elects those representatives and senators each time they run. This is one reason some of you have repeatedly asked why people never come out to turn out McConnell when he never offers any ideas. Why does he win? Well, first he only faces the whole electorate once in a while when his term coincides with presidential elections. second , he is a master of the scapegoating. There is always something he can paint as worse than him. The last time he lined up the dems ran a weak candidate so his opposition has helped him as well at times. Rest assured, however, that when the entire electorate comes out these angry voters get marginalized. As they should be.Their impact is barely noticeable as long as the overwhelming number of voters come out as most are rational and logical in their choices politically and tend to mostly support progressive views. This will correct the most egregious mis-judgment of the ANGRY FEW who have wrought this turmoil. It is here that I must be a bearer of bad news and offer the sound of warning like Revere heralding an imminent evil. If we do not turn out in 2016 we will be stuck with this dysfunctional and ilk of politician that thinks it is good to run a country in a their way or nothing fashion. There is a great example of this now going on, as they have shown today, when I hear that no longer will a 60 vote margin be required to pass any laws like the republiklans required on each law introduced and have held the democrats to for the last six years they have now decided that the 51 they have will be enough to show the will of the people when it was not enough for the six years their opposition was in power. this is a classic example of their hypocrisy on every issue and in every action. I also would like to address the events, politically, that I believe will transpire over the next two years. I would defer to the terminology of a great political thinker who is a much greater communicator in the written word than I, Kim Mather, who dubbed these two years upcoming in politics Americas dark Period. In my twitter discussion with Jonathan Capehart this morning ( a political analyst sometimes seen on national news programs ) I set the Betting OVER LINE for vetoes at 300. For those of you worried that the gains we progressives have made under this wonderful president administrations are safe. He will veto any silliness that they send and there will be much of it sent to make him use the veto so much the American (with a steady feed from negative sources that mislead and distort fact for political ends) public can be persuaded that maybe the neocons are right and he is bad. IT WILL BE A PLOY THAT HAS OFTEN WORKED IN THE PAST!! We must all watch and see what I am talking about ...for instance an new immigration bill that eliminates healthcare laws or its provisions that they know the president cannot sign and force him to veto them as it will undo healthcare for millions of citizens whose lives depend on it and he cannot allow that. Then they go to Hispanics and say SEEE THEY DONT WANT IMMIGRATION FOR YOU COME VOTE FOR US WE WILL PASS IT ALL ALONG KNOWING IF THEY GET IN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THE BIGGEST ROUND-UP UP PEOPLE ON COLOR SINCE THE TRAIL OF TEARS- THERE IS WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS ANOTHER TRAIL OF TEARS TRAGEDY TO LIVE DOWN FOR CENTURIES. That is not going to happen on my watch if I have to take to the streets with the furgusson protestors; as there will be many of those type demonstrations and I would encourage anyone with the same feeling to do so as well. No he will get pilloried in the press and the polls and they will run against him even when he is gone. We must be vigilant and know the full meaning of each bill to understand lest we think improperly in an issue due to their deceptions. We must also be vigilant and always remember that it is not his policies that has caused this dys-function it is the attitude that the opposition does not need to heed the electorate and allow their candidate to pursue his agenda. Obstruction of our Votes in 2008 and 20012Obama has wrought this mess not Obama. Pleas be eased the vetoer in chief has your back and your healthcare is in good hands as long as you go out and keep the white house in the democrats hands. It really doesnt matter until the senate gets 60 of those looneys and then it could get a little giggy. To put it in perspective Obamas numbers are higher than Kennedys and Eisenhowers, Bush1&2 at this same juncture in their presidencies and they were white and didnt have and automatic 25% against you based on race alone add another 10% of those who are racist enough that a black guy is an easy target and voila I think he has done very very well to be at 40% or so with all that has been thrown at him. Plus he has accomplished nearly everything he promised. unemployment down, deficit down half, help wanted signs everywhere record market prices in stocks, little inflation, in economic time of growth (very rare), ended two wars, killed world most dangerous terrorist. has improved our countrys world standing if you look at how everybody seems to call to see what this guy would do first every time seems to me. LOL I personally have been helped in twelve ways by the ACA and I dont take it, and just imagine what we as a country could have accomplished if he had not faced the most vitriolic obstructionism in the history of the presidency. (mostly due to racism in my view). Nay! I say put him on Mount Rushmore ! If he was a white president there would already be talk of it and this country would be booming because there would have been many more deals. Do you realize the guy KY just sent to the senate filibustered his own bill after the president agreed it was a good idea #whatwha what is that if not blatant racism , what is? As well,, I feel compelled to point out to those of you dems lost six seats or so (AGAIN AT DOCTOR ALLDAY SO HAVENT SEEN MUCH) well the Greatly respected Dwight Eisenhower lost 11 seats and the congress in his sixth year, John F.Kennedy lost - ten, Reagan- 9 it is not unusual, The republicans actually should be shaking their head and wondering why they didnt gain more. Of course many of you know only ken Blair could see it in such a fashion. as I often told ya in classes...I dont see thing they way most people do . Here is my last point: Obama was the first president in the history of the U.S. ,elected to a second term with unemployment figures over 8% (which illustrates his popularity in 60% voter participation elections) and he is the only president to have such low approval ratings at this point and lose his congress with unemployment rate at its current low of 6-7%. #wowjustwow #newhistory THE EVIDENCE IS IN AND IT ISNT THAT BIG OF A DEAL!! WE JUST GOTTA WEATHER THE STORM AND VOTE DEMOCRATIC IN 2016 WHEN WE ALL DECIDE ITS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO VOTE THEN DEMS WIN!! Caren Handley set the word of the day as #VETO I say its the word of the next two years! relish each on as it is probably in your best interest! to those who have expressed words too kind regarding our experiences together I can only say you are too easily impressed and you need to get out more! PS: english and language arts people easy does it remember I failed garland class and my style is not polished.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:45:57 +0000

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