I feel compelled to write this, not only because of whats - TopicsExpress


I feel compelled to write this, not only because of whats happening in the Middle East, but also because of at least one FB friends seemingly anti-Israel rhetoric. And I looked it up on Wikipedia. Israel has NOT stolen any land from anyone. They did win the Golan Hts, the West Bank and some other land in two armed conflicts. The Six-Day War in 1967 and The Yom Kippur War in 1973. If you know anything about Israel, its that its neighboring countries would like to wipe it off the face of the Earth. Those coutrys school textbooks dont even show Israel on any maps. Israel won those areas fair and square, as armed conflicts go. I say, those countries are majorly butt-hurt, bacause if you look at the stats, Israel was out-manned and out-gunned by a margin of 2to1. By my friends way of thinking, everything weve one in war, should be returned to its original owner. Im a Jew and will always be pro-Israel. Someday I hope to visit Israel. And when I step off the plane onto Israeli soil, I will be a citizen of Israel. Make no mistake, Ill still be an American citizen. In Israel, its called Rigght of Return. I was born in America but also have a Hebrew Birth Certificate. Israel has been fending for its life from the get-go. Israel was officially recognized partly, so that Jews around the world could have a homeland. My friend is allowed his opinion, but every time he says something anti-Israel, hes saying something pro-the other guys. And Im getting quite offended. I encourage my friends to look up "The Six Day War and The Yom Kippur War. Israel kicked some serious ASS! If they do get involved in this latest thing with Syria, Syria may be the country that no longeer exists on any maps.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 15:35:35 +0000

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