I feel discriminated against when Panda Express doesnt give me - TopicsExpress


I feel discriminated against when Panda Express doesnt give me chop sticks with my order. Just because Im white and uncoordinated doesnt mean I dont know how to use them. Disneyland needs to paint two lanes on the walkways of their park. One that says...for those that are lost and wandering aimlessly through the park, and the other that says for those that are on an angry mission to their next fast pass ride!. I was very proud of my daughter because it appeared she ate her entire sandwich at lunch today.....I even gave her a treat. Of course this evening I find myself picking up the million little pieces of said sandwich scattered all over the house like a prisoner who is trying to hide a tunnels worth of dirt pile by pile in the prison yard. When given the option I choose to rely on my entirely false sense of self confidence. I took a shower this morning and from outside the door I heard the sound of my children participating in extreme mischief....at that moment I decided to completely ignore the destruction of my home in order to enjoy all 5 minutes of my shower. This past weekend at disneyland Carter and I broke a world record by receiving 28 consecutive high fives from people in line for peter pan. The 29th person who opted out of offering the high five was booed by all 28 of the previous generous high fivers. Family trip to Disneyland $535.00. Making $678 by selling extra fast pass tickets to suckers in the standby line....PRICELESS. During this last trip to Disneyland I managed to get an entire row of a boat on the ride Its a Small World to myself.....I promptly laid down and took the best 9:23 second nap ever taken by anyone at a theme park. TRUE STORY! I have a blackbelt in the ancient art of laying on the couch. Ive had the same recurring nightmare since I was 5......so if ever there is a day that Im chased by flying piranhas while flying my boat through the clouds over the jungles of Papua New Guinea after fleeing the army of jack olanterns who carry bush knives....I TOLD YOU SO!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 07:24:16 +0000

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