I feel it is a very important time for a Whats Going On Energy - TopicsExpress


I feel it is a very important time for a Whats Going On Energy Report. Many people felt the huge energy of April that could only be described as a kicker - when the Grand Cardinal Cross of four intense planets was bearing down. Within this community, and with my personal clients, many people felt intense wounding coming up to be released, and some even felt like they were drowning in these intense painful emotions which surfaced. May was definitely an easier time - with lovely supportive water trines, assisting the integration of the new level we had reached as a result of purging the inner muck in April. Now we are in another intense time - which I know many of you are feeling... A couple of weeks ago, I was saying to friends Weve just gone up a level...I could feel it... Then this article reached my in-box which totally confirmed what I was energetically feeling. danamrkich.blogspot.au/2014/07/phase-ii-post-solstice-energy-report.html What I have noticed about this particular wave of energy is that people are feeling intense feelings of despair - even the people I know who were flying high, who had released a ton of inner junk and were experiencing great up-levels, space in their body and freedom (and even people who navigated April extremely well), were feeling What is this? I feel AWFUL and powerless now!. I want to explain what is really happening. We are ascending extremely fast. What this means is: the era of ego and powerlessness and fear, and the illusion that life happens to me, and I am not a creator of it is coming to an end. As more ascension light floods into us, all the parts of us that are in ego (fear / powerlessness) are being released from their subconscious tombs and rising up into our consciousness. Now, this is where the duality of us battles - the light and dark aspects that everyone has. The dark aspect the ego wants to survive - it wants you to hang on to fear and pain, use maladaptive fearful defence mechanisms of blame and shame, and keep you separated from being released into the glory of Who You Really Are. The ego is panicking - it knows it cant survive ascension. It is either going to be released by the person suffering it, or it is going to end up demised with its host. Nevertheless the ego tries EVERYTHING to hang on, run the show and survive. Its best opportunity to do so, is when you feel powerlessness, fear and any other negative emotion. This is when the ego wants you to believe There is no way out. It wants you to feel intense fear, panic, disconnect from yourself and go on either a frenzy of deep self-loathing depression, or seek an addictive, powerless quick fix substitute to escape the pain (I need something or someone outside of me to fix my pain). Either way the ego is happy because it knows it gets to remain in charge. Now this is the deal in order to ascend.... See the illusion for what it is - your fear and pain is NOT who you are. All of that is a False Self fuelled and manifested from trapped trauma in your body and painful emotional beliefs that are powerfully driving you subconsciously to seek out and generate more pain. Waking up from the trance requires you KNOWING this, and then orientating your life to stop analysing your pain, and instead go deeply inwards to yourself to find, feel and release these trapped traumas and limiting belief systems. The WONDERFUL thing about these times is: IF this is your orientation then your intense emotional pain is the guide to find and release EXACTLY what it is, that once released, will grant you your emancipation. I promise you in this time (and it is going to get more intense) the wounds that are NOW coming up are the darkest deepest depths of powerlessness and fear that were previously trapped in your subconscious and your DNA programming. We have two choices...allow this bubbling up toxicity to poison and take us out - or release it. Its a time of reckoning - there is NO more buffer to self-avoid or self-delude. Its BIG stuff! The best thing about BIG stuff is when you claim it, feel it and release it (as a process), the energy and up-level that gets released is nothing short of pure massive transcendence. You can evolve centuries of DNA powerlessness within minutes - literally. You can come out of a shift as a completely different being than before you went in to it. This is my dance with feelings of powerlessness and emotional pain...Thank you, you have just shown me what I need to release to be even more free and expansive. If you supply me a trigger of pain, I know exactly how to find you and release all the associated wounding that was allowing you to operate in my life. This is a far cry from my previous life - OMG! I am devastated, powerless, hopeless and I am totally defective and Im never going to get my life right.. I just dont get sucked in anymore... For those of you working with Quanta Freedom Healing and NARP - here is a list of beliefs that you can look at right now relating to powerlessness, which I am seeing over and over people in the community during this time.... I would highly suggest checking yourself for them and shifting them, so you can make the transition UP into this next incredible level... Its never going to work out for me. Im doomed, there is no way out. I cant have the happiness other people have. No matter how hard I try to heal, I can never be whole. This following one is one that I shifted this morning, which was a weird / heavy feeling in my chest...which when I dropped deeply into and opened up, it revealed itself as The only way to ascend is be a martyr and suffer ... (I cant tell you how AMAZINGLY expansive and joyous I feel after up-levelling that one..Its gone!!) I would deeply suggest any empaths, healers and therapists check that one out... I really hope this little snippet can help you navigate, up-level powerfully and claim the orientation that is going to help you directly and magnificently ascend. For those of you suffering the trauma of narcissistic abuse, who have not yet known how to work with deep inner healing, I would love you to come into my next Webinar - to discover and experience the process to free yourself of emotional pain and powerlessness - so that you can break free into your True Life. melanietoniaevans/thankyou-step2.html I hope this helps, and I would love to hear your experience of this time. Please share what you have been feeling! Much Love xo
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 03:24:38 +0000

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