I feel lead and compelled to say this. Tonight someone is going to - TopicsExpress


I feel lead and compelled to say this. Tonight someone is going to sleep feeling alone or is in despair. Someone is concerned about the future events of their life or this world. There is only one message that will bring total peace and comfort in a world of chaos and uncertainty. Jesus Christ is the only answer for every situation. This is not about religion or going to a church. This is about a relationship with someone who crazy about you. Im not telling you to change your life or to go to church or to go to a foreign mission field. I am just simply asking you to invite Jesus into your life. He is a friend like no other. He doesnt want you to do a huge list of rules and change your life to become his friend. All he wants is for you to sincerely tell him that you want him to be apart of your life. He is crazy enough about you that he would give up his life for you. This Jesus went to the religious people and scolded them because of their hypocrisy towards people. He hug out with a bunch of thugs and the social outcast of the town. He spent most of his time out on the streets loving people. The last words he spoke before went to heaven was: DO NOT BE LET YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED. DO NOT BE AFRAID- John 14:1. His plan is to return to this earth and catch his bride away. He wants to find the love of his life (you) waiting and anticipating his return. He will be back! There is no doubt about it. Will you be ready and waiting? There is an open invitation for you to give your life to Jesus and invite him to be your forever friend. He cares for you. No matter what youve done or where youve been he still loves you. Nothing can separate you from his love, NOTHING! He wants you to simply trust him. Let him wrap his arms of live around you. He will accept you just as you are. With so much uncertainty in this world, and all the troubles, hate, rumors of war, crazy weather patterns, violence, and crime there is one who can bring peace and comfort. There is nothing you can do to be good enough to make him love you. He loves you just as is the only one who can bring peace to your heart and soul. I hope you have a great night. Rest well and have peace knowing the one who called the world into existence knows you by name. He knows you in the most intimate way anyone can know someone else. Have a great night. If you need to talk, Im here to listen. I will not judge you or condemn you. I will love you and listen to you. 701-210-0655.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:50:13 +0000

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