I feel like I need to re-post this, because some people have it in - TopicsExpress


I feel like I need to re-post this, because some people have it in their heads that Ferguson is simply about one black man being shot by one white officer. Its not! This is about addressing racism that every statistic has indicated is rampant among police and holding these officers accountable for their racial bias when handling situations involving members of the black community. This not an isolated case! Regardless of anyones personal feelings towards Michael Browns innocence, what this incident represents is still valid. It is still a valid outrage that minorities are targeted and unfairly victimized! Not just by police, but by every day citizens, too! Its difficult for me (as a white woman) to possibly even comprehend the pain of targeted racism that people of color experience, sometimes on a daily basis! I couldnt imagine! So, who am I (or any individual of the non-black community for that matter) to tell these protesters that theyre unjustified in their outrage? Who am I to tell them that they should just stop protesting, go home, and brush off their legit concerns of modern racial discrimination? From officers, no less! Officers who have sworn to serve and protect and who are supposed to be held to a higher standard of skill, tact, and honor than the average citizen! I have no doubt that most officers are good people, who are just trying to do their job and get home safely. I dont fault an officer for making mistakes. However, when those mistakes are made, we need to seriously question why and our answer can not just be one derived out of speculation of the victims character. It needs to be derived out of the understanding of the officers character. Michael Browns character is not in question here. His actions leading up to the event and the characteristics of Officer Wilson that led him to choose lethal force as his first option must be questioned. Now, as I have said before, I do not have all the evidence involved in the case. Yet, what I do know is this... these last few days, I have seen more hatred and racism towards the black community than I have ever witness in my life of (admitted) ignorance on this subject. More than ever, I agree with the protesters when they bring to attention the rampant racism still in existence today because Ive witnessed the bigoted, small-minded simpletons smear their hateful slurs all over the internet and in public. It is absolutely glaring and anyone who claims that these protesters need to shove off, give up, or go home simply because they dont like being reminded that this repugnant racism still exist in our society needs to crawl back into a hole. And if youre one of those individuals trying to associate the looting and rioting of a few opportunistic assholes with the overall race of the protesters, then Im probably talking about you! Racist opinions are like mold growing on a stagnant society. Its disgusting, rotted, and well-past its prime. You dont go waving it around in peoples faces or try to force them to eat it. Honestly, its nothing to be proud of because anything slow enough and living in the dark can grow it. So, keep it in that dark, nasty cavity in the back of your mind or throw that shit out!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 10:14:09 +0000

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