I feel like Im a Rose Flower, Gentle and Delicate moving in this - TopicsExpress


I feel like Im a Rose Flower, Gentle and Delicate moving in this Forest we call the World, And the World wants to Grab whatever they can Grab from my Rose and the Heart of Rose, Its up to me to Keep My Eye Enlightened to see Truth and Hidden Motives and Intentions of those who are Close to me. I have been hurt before, by deeply closed ones, those who knows my secrets and used my weakness against me. They are now away and banished far. My Heart Rose has a Mission, and I cannot jeopardize my Mission making a mistake I have already made and learnt from. I am choosing to use my powerful discernment to reject and ignore people who has ulterior motives to be in my life and who feeds ego and greed into their consciousness acting upon the center of lack instead of abundance. You might not know god once was human walking in amidst the same faces and all races. My Aura is now comfortably opening up itself to the people who are sincere and has gone through the suffering or has the deep compassion of observing intense suffering and has the same alignment of love, who has not forgotten their roots and seeds of consciousness and oneness. I receive love that comes from unconditional giving and the love that grows and amplifies, not the love that sucks and destroys. I vibrate my energy from top to bottom with this intention. I emit this frequency clean and clear. I am powerful beyond measure, I am not a victim but a Warrior. I am Mazuin which names means Balance. I come here for a purpose and a reason. You all may not know what I have been through to put me in this path, All you know is this words, But if you open your heart to feel what I have been through, You will be amazed on how strong I am to keep myself Alive I am here to help the childrens, and all who are willing to receive help. I am here to show a path of love, to gently hold the hands who are vulnerable and lead them towards the light and balance. I am here to be kind and to be an example of unconditional love that is infinite and expands and evolve. I will not tolerate greed, lack or fear consciousness. I come from love, and I will passionately willing to die for my passion and purpose. Mark my words, I am here for a Purpose, and I am willing to do what it takes step by step to make my mark of peace grow strong powerful viable and beautiful evolve in this Earth Nation. I will not allow anyone stopping me, and if I am being harmed, my soul will take actions to remove this harm straight to the source. Whatever I do is Neutral as My Actions are Aligned with this Universal Love. I do not judge the Dark, I do not judge the Light. I understand the concept of both. I can see beyond consciousness and with this consciousness, the wheel of life turns and everything comes from each other. This is words of an Indigo Rainbow Warrior. Mark My Words, I am Here. Mazuin Mynrose. https://youtube/watch?v=_7TjNlt23a4
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:12:27 +0000

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